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You slowly stop running, watching your boyfriend throwing the ball into the basketball hoop.

You run your fingers through your hair. Somewhere between your current stop and the other end of the field, you have lost your hair tie. But you have absolutely zero desire to walk back and search for it. You still can't believe how Chan has convinced you to play basketball with him, because you usually suck with these kinds of sport.

"Come on, baby." Chan turns around to you, totally ignoring where the ball lands. "Is that all you can?"

You groan lightly annoyed. "I thought I would have a chance against you."

He smiles proudly and shrugs his shoulders innocently. "Well, you should try harder."

You stare at him indignant, your will to fight and win awaken with his words, ignoring that you have a really low chance to win.

"Fine, get the ball." You brush your hair out of your face and send him a more challenging look. He just smiles, looking pretty happy with this whole situation, and turns around to look for the ball. The shortness of breath and the side stitches are forgotten. You now just want to win one damn time to show your way too confident boyfriend what you can do.

"You will see what you get with this challenge, Christopher."

"I am excited to see it, baby."


"Okay, stretch your arm." You look into the mirror in front of you, while you do the right pose from the yoga course you have visited since a few months now. Minho was curious what you have done the last times, so he wanted you to show him some yoga figures.

"No, this way." You correct him, trying not to laugh about his tormented face expression.

He meets your gaze in the mirror, eyeing you and try to copy the position of his arm. "You do this really for fun?"

"And sometimes to relax." You add and can't hold back your laugh anymore. He is not bad, he is pretty flexible, but his face and sounds while he tries to hold the position are just hilarious.

"You are crazy, jagi." He sighs and entangles himself out of the figure, laying back on the mat. You now turn your head to look at him again.

"I could say the same to you. You dance to release some stress." He smiles at you, amused about the memory when he has tried to teach you some dance steps. You weren't this bad, but you weren't really good either.

"He, jagi." He stretches out his arm to nudge your thigh. "What about a break?"


You spin on the ice, turning around to face your boyfriend. Changbin still holds onto the surrounding of the ice rink and his eyes are literally glued to the ground.

"Everything alright?" You ask amused, but still a little worried. It is the first time you are ice skating together and you haven't guessed he would be this new to it. But he was ready to try it for you, knowing how much you love this sport. You slowly move forward and stop less than two meters away from him. He looks up to you, his hand claw into the border, his expression something between tormented and stressed.

"Come on, big boy." You smile at him and hold your hand out. "Let me help you."

"I'm fine" He replies but slips in the same second, barely holding his balance.

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