long distance

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You sit down in the space between couch and coffee table again, putting your blanket over your legs as soon as you sit.

"Sorry!" You look on the screen if your laptop, finding Chan smiling through the camera, next to his video chat window the movie you've paused like two minutes ago. You hold up the plate with the pizza that you've just taken out of the oven. "Now I'm ready."

Chan leans more into his chair. "Then let's start the film. Which one did you choose?"

It's your turn to decide, you two alternate every week. You are pretty sure you will have watched every movie on this streaming service if you two continue like this, but it's the only date-like feeling you get with him at the moment. The problems of a long-distance relationship.

"Don't worry, it's not a horror film this time." You giggle with the memory of the last film you've chosen. It was funny for you, but not so for him. "I don't know if you've already watch it because it's pretty old, but it's new on this streaming service and I really wanna watch it with you."

You share your screen with him to show him the title, and he answers before even looking at it. "Doesn't matter if I already know it. I will watch it with you, nevertheless. You know, I love spending time with you."

Your heart flutters and your cheeks redden lightly. "Channie, you make me blush!"

He chuckles and bites his lips. "Yeah, I know."


It's the moment you enter your apartment when your phone starts to ring. You take the time to get your shoes off before you answer the video call, already knowing it's your boyfriend without looking on the screen.

"13 DAYS!" Minho yells, unnecessarily close to the camera so you just see one eye and a small bit of his face. You chuckle lightly while you go to your kitchen with your shopping bag.

"I know." You reply and he finally moves away from his camera. "You've texted it since an hour, remember?"

"Well, it's now less than two weeks until we see each other again." He tilts his head and narrows his eyes. "Aren't you as excited as I am?"

You put your phone down on the kitchen counter, against the coffee mug you used this morning, and start to unpack your groceries.

"Of course, I am. I just don't remind you as soon as I get up."

"Well, I will continue to do it." He grins and winks at you cheekily. "So you won't forget to hop on the plane."

"As if that could happen." You rest your elbows on the kitchen counter to lean closer to the phone. "You can't get rid of me so easily, so forget this possibility right away. I will be on the airport in exactly 13 days, hours before the boarding, and get into this plane, no matter what."

"Good." He smiles satisfied, but you see the tips of his ears reddening even through the camera. "But I will make sure to remind you until then, promise. So, what are you cooking today?"


Changbin eyes you worried through the phone after you picked up. "You look down, baby. What's the matter?"

"Nothing important, Binnie. It was just a long, rough day."

"You can tell me about it." He leans closer to his phone. "You know, I'm here for you, even if I'm technically not."

You giggle and nod. "I know, Binnie. I would tell you as soon as something bothers me, but it was just an exhausting day."

His face lights up a bit. "Good. I like to listen to every little thing, if it bothers you or not."

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