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You smile friendly to the guy in front of you is telling you. He is one of the managers, but from another group and you don't even remember his or the groups name. Or was he responsible for trainees? He has stopped you on your way to Chans studio, mistook you for someone else, but he has introduced himself so fast after clarifying the misunderstanding, so you haven't understood much. And now you try to escape from the conversation since a few minutes, knowing your boyfriend is already waiting for you.

"I'm sorry" You say as he stops midsentence and look over your shoulder. "It was nice to meet you, but I have to go now."

"Oh, maybe we could change phone numbers?" You instantly feel sorry for him, cause you don't want to. He seems nice, but you don't like to give your phone numbers away this fast. You are just carefully.

You are already shaking your head, an explanation on your lips, when you feel an arm wrapping around your shoulders.

"Here you are" You can hear Chan saying, his voice friendly. He pulls you closer to himself. "I was looking for you. We had a date, remember?"

The other guy eyes you two and meets Chans gaze. He shrugs and apologizes quickly before he hurries off. You look up to your boyfriend, but he looks obviously quite satisfied after the guy.

"How long have you watched us?" You ask, putting one and one together. He shows not often your relationship on the floors of the entertainment, especially when someone is around.

"Long enough." He gives you a kiss on the cheek.


You can literally feel Minhos gaze on you. You were watching their dance practice and in the last break, Felix had suggested that you simply just need to learn a few steps. You can't understand how he has come to this idea cause you have two left feet and everyone knows them. At first you thought he would make fun of you, but it is Felix. He would never.

And now you are standing in front of the mirrors, Felix on one side and Hyunjin on the other. Both take it surprisingly seriously. This dance lesson for you takes much more time than probably planned. But the other guys use the time to relaxes on the couches or the floor in front.

Felix let you stop in one motion to correct your posture. You look in the mirror to see what it has to look like when you can see how Minho looks at you three. Or to be more precise, to Felix' hands on your shoulder.

"More like this" Hyunjin takes your arm to move it a little higher. And this is the moment when Minho has had enough. He claps his hands to get everyone's attention.

"We should continue." He says and when you turn around, he looks at you with dark eyes. Felix and Hyunjin nods and goes to their position while you make your way to the couch again.

You have just passed Minho, smiling at him knowingly, when he grabs your arm and pulls you to him, so you stumble against his chest.

"I can show you the dance steps next time." He mumbles and leans down to you.

"I know" you just answer really amused. He grins before he presses his lips on yours for a short but passionate kiss.

"Good" is all he says when he let go of you, smiling proudly.


You keep watching Changbin across the room. He is talking with one of the staff members about the next steps to do. You were happy to go with them to the shooting of the music video but now you don't really know what to think. You are usually not really jealous, but you have watched the whole day how this girl keeps staring and smiling at him. You know it's part of her job, but she looks different from the other staff members when they look at him.

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