Rainy Days

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You look out of the window and pout about the heavy rain outside. The weather was nice the whole week but now, on Saturday, the world almost ends in the storm.

It is the day you and Chan has planned to go shopping, but you don't want to walk through this weather, even on the short ways between the shops. And you guess that a shopping trip through a mall won't be funnier, it will be full of people who escape the rain.

Suddenly you feel the presence of your boyfriend behind you before he wraps his arms around you.

"What do you think, baby?" He rests his head on your shoulder. "We can still go shopping. Somehow we will make it through the storm."

You smile because he is ready to do it, knowing how much you were looking forward to it. "No, we can go another day."

"Are you sure?" He pulls you as close as possible, pressing a small kiss on your ear.

"Yeah, before we drown out there." You turn around in his embrace and wrap your arms around his neck. "But I wouldn't say no to a cozy day on the couch, just you and me and the films that are waiting on our watchlist."

He smiles sweetly at you, pressing a gentle kiss on your lips and breaking the embrace to lead you to the couch. "Sounds fantastic. You choose a movie, I will get some snacks from the kitchen."


"Oh no" You look up to the sky and let go of Minhos arm to put on your hood. The few drops increase in seconds until it rains heavily. "You don't have an umbrella with you, do you?"

You look to the sight and meet Minhos raised eyebrows. "Where, please?" He raises his hands briefly to remind you, that he just has his raincoat to prevent from the rain. Like you. You both haven't expected to take such a long walk together.

"Come on, jagi." He grabs your arm and draws you forward. "We aren't made of sugar."

"Oh, you are the one to talk." You walk faster and he adapts to your steps. "Chan will probably kill me if you catch a cold this soon before your comeback."

He laughs and his hand wander from your arm to your hand. "He's got a soft spot for you, he would totally blame me."

You intertwine your fingers with his and pulls him into a faster pace. "Well, maybe we should run to find some place where we can take shelter."

Suddenly he begins to run and now you need to follow him faster, nearly fall over your own feet.

He laughs again, but his hand grabs yours a little tighter while he points with his other to a bus stop a few meters away. "Hurry, jagi, almost there."


You grab the steering wheel stronger and concentrate even more on the road in front of the car. It is already dark outside, just the light of the spotlights and the surroundings enlighten the road, distorted by the rain. Changbin sits on the passenger seat, keeping silent since the rain has started and he knows how nervous and insecure you get when driving through it.

You two are on your way back to Seoul after a short weekend trip to the countryside. You wanted to be home already, but you both couldn't break away from the relaxed togetherness.

"Babe" Changbin speaks in a calm voice to not frighten you after the silence in the car. "There is a restaurant in a few kilometers. We can stop there until the rain stops."

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