Hasty - Han (3)

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You ignore Hyunjins quietly voice, whining your name pleadingly. He tugs at your arm, and you shake yourself free from his grip, rolling to the other side of the bed.

"Why?" You ask him, eyeing him with one open eye. "We are here for vacation, why are you waking me up this early?"

"Early?" You feel the lowering of the mattress as Hyunjin sits down next to you. "We already had breakfast without you. Even Jisung and I have already got up, and we normally sleep long."

You grumble lightly and sit up, running your hands through your messy hair. "That means no breakfast for me?"

"This is important for you?" He whines again. "Please, get ready. The others are already on their way to the beach, and I want to win the next volleyball match against Changbin. You play well, I know that. Come on, please."

You sigh dramatically before you nod. "Fine, I'll play. But don't you dare blame me if we lose."

"Yes!" He grabs your arm and slowly pulls you out of bed, ignoring the rest of your words completely.

You take the clothing, he grabs out of your luggage unasked, and shoo him out to change.

"I still want some breakfast." You state as you meet your friend again in the hallway.

He grabs your arm again und pulls you through the whole house, getting some kind of snack for you as you cross the kitchen.

"Very healthy, thank you, Hyunjin." You say sarcastically and open the plastic bag.

"Ahh, don't act like you would eat something different on another day." He replies and grins at you knowingly.

You have to admit that he's right, so you just follow him down to the beach, eating your breakfast on the way.

It's almost empty at the beach, just the other boys are already here. You see Changbin and Jeongin who set up the volleyball net. Chan and Felix are already in the water, playing around. And the others are sitting in the sand, watching the struggle of Changbin and Jeongin with the net.

"I'm pretty sure you need to do it the other way..." Hyunjin goes to both and tries to help them.

"Well rested?" Seungmin asked when you sit down next to him.

"Not really. Hyunjin woke me up."

"Maybe you would have slept better and longer, if you hadn't spent half of the night watching movies." You look up at Felix, who suddenly stand next to you. His hair is dripping wet along with the rest of him and he takes a towel from Minho.

"What kind of vacation would it be for me without some movies?" You ask him and lean away when he shakes his head like a wet poodle. "You're just jealous because you can't watch the horror movies with me."

"I don't even want to watch them with you." He points at you, smiling amused. "Why are you watching them when you flinch at every single jump scare?"

You shrug your shoulders defensively. "It's funny."

Felix shakes his head, not understanding your kind of amusement at this point, and decides to change the topic. "Are you playing today?"

"Hyunjin literally begged for it, so yes. Someone need to save your asses, I think."

"Big words." Chan grabs another towel from Minho, who seems to have hoarded them. "But don't be disappointed later, okay?"

He grins challenging at you with a wink. You shake your head. "You'll see who will be disappointed. I had time to watch you guys yesterday."

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