Crush on Jeongin - Part 2

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You usually know exactly what you are doing in the coffee shop, knowing all the recipes and steps to do each coffee on the menu. It is easy for you to remember them, even in the most stressful situations.

But now you are just distracted, looking – or rather staring – at the boy across the counter. You still can't believe that you have made it through some dates with Jeongin, even when you two fights against your combined clumsiness. If you haven't spilled your drink, then he's tripped.

You watch how he presses the coffee powder into the mold and secure it in the coffee machine. Then he looks up to you, realizing you have watched him instead of putting the milk back into the fridge.

He raises his eyebrows in a silent question.

You finally open the fridge and literally throw the milk on its place in the door. You close it and turn around to him, your ears burning because he has caught you staring.

"So, what to do next?" He points to the coffee machine.

You gather yourself together while going to him, trying to concentrate on the coffee and not his forearms and the rolled-up sleeves of his shirt.

"Here." You press the button to start the machine and look up to him. "It is easy once you have internalized the steps."

He smiles down to you. "Well, maybe you need to show it a lot more times to me until I got it."

You return his smile. "Are you this forgetful?"

"You are not the only one who get distracted easily."

You cheeks redden with his words, a little surprised by his words. At the beginning of your dating, he was pretty shy around you – you both were. But now he is more relaxed and flirts way more obvious with you. And it makes your heart beats faster every single time.

You don't know what to answer and he chuckles lonely when you avoid his gaze and grab the coffee as soon as it is ready, turning around to put it on the dining table behind you. You burn your hand lightly on the hot mug and twitch a bit, lets the coffee spill over with it. And burn your fingers even more, the hot coffee runs over your skin. You curse quietly and before you can do something, the mug slips out of your hand and falls to the ground.

You stare at it for a moment, your hand still raised. Then the pain hits you again, the skin on your hand already reddens. Then you look down to the broken cup and the coffee puddle at your feet.

You hear Jeongin talking to you but are still too surprised what happened. You finally get back to reality when you feel his arms wrapping around your waist. You flinch a little, but he just lifts you a little like you weight nothing. He turns around with you and puts you back on your feet in front of the sink.

He turns on the water, grabs your wrist and shove your hand under the water. His other hand still rests on your waist while he watches over your shoulder how the water runs over your hand.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his voice worried and a little panicked. "Does it hurt much?"

"A little bit" You mumble. "But the water is nice."

"Okay" He sounds not really relieved. "How about you just stay here and I wipe up the coffee?"

"You don't need to." You turn your head in his direction, now his face incredibly close to yours. "Give me some minutes and I will clean up."

"Not a chance. Tell me where the broom is." He already let go of you, grabbing the towel hanging over the sink, looking through your kitchen if he could find it by himself.

You give in and tell him. He carefully cleans up and you watch him, amazed by him.

"Do you have some crème or something to soothe the burned skin?" You think a moment but then you nod.

"In the bathroom." You answer but before he can walk away, you turn off the water and scurry past him. You can hear his steps following you, so you let the door open behind you. You dig through the stuff in your bathroom cupboard until you find the right tin.

"Let me help you." He takes it out of your hand and guides you to the edge of the bathtub to sit down.

"It is not such a big deal, Jeongin." You feel slightly embarrassed about the incident, but even more surprised by his concerned actions. "It is not the first time I have burned myself."

He kneels down in front of you and opens the tan, his face now a little sad. "Is it too much?"

He sounds a little embarrassed and pouty and you instantly feel bad for rejecting him like this.

You two stays quiet while he carefully applies the cream to your hand.

He closes the tin again, now avoiding the eye contact, but you want to clarify this immediately.

So you lay your uninjured hand on his cheeks and softly tilt his head up until he meets your gaze.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." His face softens again. "I was just a little embarrassed that I have spilled coffee again. And surprised how worried you are about it."

He lays his hand over yours, pulling it away and intertwine your fingers with his. He presses a kiss on your palm and your heart pounds faster again, an excited feeling growing in your stomach.

"Of course, I am worried. You could have seriously injured yourself." He smiles lovably at you. "Maybe we should stop with the coffee."

You laugh a little. "You know, it is part of my job, right?"

He grins back. "Could you overthink your choice of job?"

"Never." You stand up and pull lightly on his hand until he follows you. "I love the coffee shop. And you should too."

"Oh, believe me, it is clearly one of my favorites places." You giggle with him and lean against the kitchen counter to look up at him.

"Do you want to try it again?" You point to the coffee machine. He shakes his head, the worries about you still too vivid in his mind.

"Maybe we should just watch movie or something like that." He suggests and you nod.

"Yeah, sounds good. You don't have any schedules for this afternoon and evening, right?"

"I can be with you for the rest of the day, if you like."

"I would love to. Come on, we need to choose a movie." He smiles widely at you and his happy face makes your heart pounding again. You want to walk past him to the living room, but he stops you by grabbing your hand again.

Questioning you look up to him and blink surprised when he suddenly leans down to you and kisses you on the lips. It is gentle and soft. And way too short when he breaks it.

"Sorry" He mumbles, his breath warm on your lips. "I wanted to do this the whole time."

You bite your lip a moment, trying to stop the excited smile, but fail at it.

"Well" You begin, but interrupt yourself to kiss him shortly back, grinning lightly at him. "We have the whole evening left. We should use it wisely."

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