Honesty - Jeongin (4)

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You instantly grab your phone after you hear the ringing tone from an incoming message. You smile about the silly selfie Jeongin has sent you, together with the question what you are doing right now. It feels like before, the random, casual messages he sent you over the day as soon as he has free minute. But better. Like he can finally write without a filter, spicing one or other text up, what he hasn't done before. But you definitely don't want to complain about it.

You look around you. Sitting on the couch, in a comfy pajama, with messy hair and bare face. Different snacks laying on the coffee table in front of you, a movie is playing on the TV. It's Saturday evening and you have nothing planned except to relax.

You send him a picture of the snacks on the table and the TV in the background as an answer. You put the phone back in your lap, trying to concentrate on the movie again. But it takes less than two minutes until your phone rings again, this time with a video call from Jeongin.

You hesitate for moment, knowing he hasn't seen you in this state of mess for a while now. But he definitely has seen you like this before, in a quite shabbier condition. And he is your husband, he has said that he loves you, you remind yourself. So you pause the TV and click on the green button and hold your phone up, eyeing yourself in the small box on the display before his face appears really close on the screen.

"Hey, Noona" He smiles wide, his eyes wandering over the screen, surely eyeing every inch of your face. His smile turns into a knowing smirk when you roll your eyes at the nickname.

He has started to call you this already a few years ago, just to tease you. But he has stopped after the marriage and now he called you like this again, the first time with his text message after he has left to the airport. You know he teases you again with the nickname, but you totally go for it.

"Stop calling me that." You groan, trying to suppress the smile, cause he looks really cute when he calls you with a nickname.

"Then what would you prefer?"

You stare at him, surprised by his question, and he laughs about your expression.

"If you don't want me to call you Noona, I'll have to come up with something else." He stares into the air for a moment and think for another nickname.

"Well, I have a name and you should know it very well." You respond, not sure if you would like the next name he will come up with.

"Just accept it." He looks at you again, his face now expectant, a lightly grin on his lips. "Yeobo."

Your heart literally stops for a moment, starring at your phone, feeling surprisingly flustered by him.

His face moves even closer and the grin deepens. "Ahh, you like it, right?"

You want to shake your head, just as a matter of principles, but feel your cheeks redden that he immediately knew it.

"So, Yeobo" You open your mouth to interrupt him, but he continues talking before you can. "What are your further plans for tonight?"

You gather yourself together and try to ignore your still way too fast heartbeat. "I watch the movie and devour the snacks. Maybe even the ice cream we have in the freezer."

"Sounds exciting and tempting." He says sarcastically and you laugh about his tone.

"Yeah, I know, you can be jealous." You answer, sending him a silly smile. "What about you? You should go into bed soon because of the early flight tomorrow, right?"

"Mhh, the plans have changed, to be honest." You see how he looks to something out of your sight and he moves a little bit.

"Oh, are you away a little longer?" You guess, feeling upset about the thought of not seeing him again tomorrow. You were really looking forward to seeing him and starting to do normal couple things.

"Sorry, yeobo, but I have to hang up now." He looks again at something you can't see. "But I like your plans for the evening, I think I will do something similar."

You can't even react and stare surprised at your display, feeling slightly stifled by his sudden hang up.

"Okay. Is it me or was this a little strange?" You mumble to yourself, feeling the need to call him again and check that he is okay.

But then you think about the deal to be honest to each other. Maybe it was just the usual stress that waited for him after every time he called you. You should trust him, you think.

You grab the remote control to continue the movie when you hear some noises from the entrance door. You listen a moment, trying to figure out what is happening in the small hallway of the apartment. There is definitely someone in, you can hear the closing of the door now.

You stand up, sneak to the door to the hallway and peek into the it. The light suddenly goes on and you blink due to the brightness.

"Dang it." You say a bit frightened as you finally understand. "You've scared me."

Jeongin laughs and hangs his jacket on the hanger. He holds a flower bouquet up when he comes closer to you. "Sorry."

"You are here?" You ask the obvious, your shock already forgotten, now not really getting that he is already here. "But how?"

"Well, I couldn't wait any longer and wanted to surprise you." He tilts his head, eyeing you, smiling lovely. "I took the next possible flight home. Your brother picked me up from the airport and drove me here."

You raise an eyebrow. "Really? How did you get him to do that?"

"I owe him the next dinner." He smiles amused. "And he wants to have the next game night here, but without the whole couple act of us. He almost throws up in the car while we talked."

You roll your eyes about your dramatic brother but laugh with Jeongin about it.

You finally take the flowers from him, but he won't let you turn around when you want to.

"Is this how you welcome your husband?" He mumbles low and a shiver runs over you. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer, crushing the flowers slightly between you.

"Oh, excuse me, please." You play along and look up at, sneaking even closer. You smile back at him and lay your free hand on his cheek. "I'm not used to that yet."

"You better get used to it." His other hand wander to your neck and he leans down. "I want to be greeted this way for the rest of our lives."

"I probably should then." You whisper against his lips and you both smile into the kiss that follows.

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