Crush on Han - Part 2

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You kneel under the table, trying to grab the cable and finally finish to install the second monitor to the PC. You are responsible for the setup of the computer equipment in the new studio and it is not one of your favorite parts of the job. You want to set it up tidy, with the least cables to be seen, but practically for work too.

You finally catch the cable, pull it through the little hole in the desk and connect it with the PC tower.

"Wow, things are moving forward here." You flinch with the sudden voice and bump your head up against the desk. You moan quietly in pain, but not quiet enough. The sudden voice says your name and you hear footsteps coming closer. You turn around a little, sitting more now than kneeling, and rub over the spot on your head.

"You have surprised me." You look to Jisung, who kneels down next to the desk to look at you.

"Sorry" He mumbles and holds out a hand to help you coming out from under the table. You can hear the laughs from a few other boys, but ignore them and grab Jisungs hand. You see how he lays his other hand over the edge of the table, so you don't bump your head again while standing up.

It makes your heart beats faster that he pays attention to it.

"I'm sorry, really" He strokes lightly over your head. "I haven't seen you there."

"I'm fine, don't worry." You feel your cheeks redden.

"We just wanted to take a look at the new studio." Hyunjin and Changbin enters the room, still giggling.

"What do you think?" You put your hands on your hips, a little proud of yourself that you have set up the most tech stuff on your own. It is not really a part of your job, usually you would be here when the PC and everything would be already settled.

"It's nice." They look around, eyeing the recording area, where you also have already adapted the micros and speakers and everything. Changbin eyes the cardboard boxes in the one free corner and raises an eyebrow. "Do you need help with them? We could take a few with us on the way down."

"That's nice, but don't worry." You shrug your shoulders. "I've got it all up here alone, it will be way easier when they are empty."

The boys stay still for a moment, looking between you and the boxes with surprised faces.

"You have brought them up here all alone?" Jisung asks.

"Well, through the elevator and I needed to walk several times, but yes." You shrug your shoulders again. It's no big deal for you and you have shoved a box over the floor when it was too heavy to hold it.

"And why has nobody helped you?" Hyunjin sounds not really amused, and the faces of the others looks concerned too. "Like, the rest of the guys in your office? Or some other staff members?"

"Well, a lot of my colleagues are ill at the moment, it is winter and it's just the season to get a cold." You feel a little embarrassed and nervous that they make such a thing out of it. "It was just faster to do it alone."

They sigh unisono. You have met them often the last weeks – sometimes due to a problem with their technic stuff and sometimes just random in the hallways. But way too often while you try to repair some stuff in the most uncommon way without a ladder or anything. Like the one time in their practice room. Or the other timed when you were using a swivel chair with castors to climb up. You are not very thoughtful with your decisions of what you can use to reach something. But you were scolded by them every time they have saw it, and it feels a little like big brothers who are watching over you. Well, with the most of them it feels like this.

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