Crush on Minho - Part 2

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"I can't believe it." You grab a pack of mushrooms and let it fall into the shopping cart that Hyunjin is shoving. "This is all your fault."

He rolls his eyes and leans on the cart. "Stop blaming me for that. I can't remember that you have said anything when Minho asked."

"Yes, but why have you said we plan to cook for all?" You look at the vegetables, trying to remember what is still missing from the recipe.

"I was hungry." He shrugs his shoulders and takes out his phone. "We have all the veggies."

You get closer to him, leaning over his shoulders to look at the recipe he has opened on his phone.

"Your trust in me amazes me every time." He comments while you read the list of ingredients.

You chuckle amused and punch him in the side. "Don't be such a drama queen."

He rubs the spot you have hit, but before he can answer, something lands loudly in the shopping cart. You both flinch surprised and look up. Minho stands opposite from you, eyeing you both with shrugged eyebrows.

"What else do we need?" He asks and shoves his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

Hyunjin looks at his phone again before he put it back. "I think, our soy sauce at home is almost empty. I will get some."

He disappears behind a shelf before one of you can react. You take his place at the shopping cart and slowly push it along. Minho goes next to you and as soon as you leave the cart to grab something to drink, he moves to shove him.

"So, how did you two get the idea of cooking?" He asks, sounding unexpectedly uninterested.

"It was Hyunjins idea." You answer and smile a moment, because you didn't even lie to him.

"The last time you two had done something in the kitchen, you almost burned it down."

"It was him!" You reply, remembering the try almost to vividly. "I have said to him to look after the pods!"

"I'm pretty sure, I have said this to you." You flinch and step to the side, almost into Minho, when Hyunjin appears next to you.

"Stop sneaking up at me all the time!" You shout shocked, but the boys only laugh like always. You are easy to scare and they take advantage of this more often than you would like.

A few minutes later, you have finished the grocery shopping and goes back to the car in the underground parking.

"Ah, no!" Hyunjin stops suddenly, an apologizing look on his face. "I have forgotten the shower gel! Give me a minute, we need some at the dorm!"

He hands you the bags with the groceries and rushes back to the elevators. You look after him for a moment, wondering about his words, knowing definitely that they don't need some shower gel cause Felix has bought some a few days ago while you were shopping with him.

"Come on, let us wait in the car." Minho nudges you with his shoulder and you follow him. Half on the way, he grabs the bags out of your hands without saying anything.

"You don't need to." You say to him, your heart pounding faster in your chest.

He avoids your look and shrugs his shoulders. "I know."
You both stay silent until you arrive at his car, and he shoves the bag from hand to another to search for the car keys in his pockets.

He makes a grumpy noise and you look up to him. "What's the matter?"

"Hyunjin has the keys." He explains. "His phone was still in the car when we arrived, you remember? He hasn't given it back to me."

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