plans - Felix (3)

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You stare into Felix' big, worried eyes, gritting your teeth to hold back your tears.

"I'm sorry." He brings out, breathing heavily because he has run after you to explain it. "You shouldn't hear that."

"Well, too late." You back off to get out off his grip on your shoulder, but he follows your motion, and his hand stays on you.

"No! No, please, let me explain." Felix pleads and you falter almost instantly, even though you just want to get home and curl up in your bed. Felix waits until you nod and takes a deep breath before talking.

"I shouldn't have said it in first place. It was a lie. I just don't want to..." He obviously struggles to find words, but his lack of explanation doesn't soothe you. Why did he lie? He didn't know you were listening, so why was it necessary for him to say such things?

"You just don't want to marry. I got it." You fulfill his sentence and lower your head to avoid his gaze. "It's okay, Felix. I don't want this marriage either."

"It's not like that." He takes a deep breath again and you can see by this how nervous he is. "I just didn't want to make things worse. I thought if I would ignore you, they would think I wouldn't like you anymore. Then they would cancel the whole marriage thing."

You need a moment to understand the meaning of his hastily spoken words and blink at him. "You mean, instead of talking with me to make a plan for this marriage, you just took matters into your own hands? And you thought it would be a good idea to pretend to dislike me?"

He frowns as if is only now realizing that there was a better way. "Sounds pretty stupid now."

"It still is." You sniff but the tears slowly disappear again, feeling hopefully that it now could get better. That you could get your friend back like you've known him.

"I'm sorry." His hands wander from your shoulders to your cheeks, cupping your face, his thumbs stroking your skin and wiping off some tears that have escaped. "Believe me, it was a stupid lie. The boys have already seen through me and urged me to finally talk to you about it. I thought Chan would stop with it if I would say such things instead of brushing it off."

Your heart pounds way too fast in your chest, due to his closeness and his hands on you, but also because of his words. "It was not very nice."

"I know, sorry." He eyes you attentive again, almost carefully. "Have I messed it up badly?"

You think for a moment, but then you shake your head lightly. "No. We can fix it."

"Really?" His face lights up and this adorably, lovely smile appears on his lips.

"Sure." You grab his wrists and he instantly let go of you face to wrap his fingers around your hands. "But never do that again to me."

"Promised." He squeezes your hands. "The last few weeks have been pretty exhausting, especially since the boys have become fond of you."

"Well, we were all irritated by your behavior. They wanted to help us."

"Of course." He grins amused, but then got serious again. "What do you think about going back to the dorm? We can talk about everything?"

"I think we may have to explain everything to them too. They were surprisingly worried to see me running out in tears."

"I know. I've seen their faces before following you." He leads you carefully to turn around with him and go back but continues to hold one of your hands in a firm grip. "They have obviously a soft spot for you, all of them."

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