Hasty - Han (1)

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You bite your lip to hold back the question 'why' to avoid the next stupid explanation from your uncle. It's not like you haven't asked this question already two times. He has started this conversation with the big news – marriage. Soon. You. And a guy you don't even know.

"Please don't sulk. You don't even know him, maybe you'll like him. You get along with lots of people, it will be easy for you to get him to like you."

You stare at him, trying to remember when it was the last time, he has seen you with 'lots of people'. Just because you are miserable with small talk and usually you just listen to people when you have to meet them. You have a few friends and are happy with them, you don't like crowds of people. Especially, when you are forced to meet them.

You eye the expectant face of your uncle. Does he really think you would be happy about an arranged marriage?

"I'm sure it's usually the other way around. Meeting a guy, liking him, falling in love with him. Then a marriage, maybe. Not the last part first." You start again to explain why you aren't happy about his news.

"Well, sometimes, yes." He shrugs his shoulders and waves his hand in a defensive gesture. "But in our society, that's the way it is. Don't worry, I've checked him and his family before we've arranged everything. He is a really good match."

"A good match for me or for the companies of our families?" You can't prevent asking him. You feel betrayed by him. He's the only family you've left, and he's taken care of you since you were little. He has never mentioned something like marriage before and he has caught you off guard with it.

He eyes you for a moment before he sighs deeply and his confident expression falters. He runs his hands through his hair, suddenly looks older and exhausted. "I should have known that you would want to know everything. I've never been good at fooling you."

You lean closer to him on the couch, eyeing him worried. You know, he loves his work and his company, but you were never really interested how things stand. And to be honest, you haven't asked him properly.

"Things are looking bad. We need the financial support from this cooperation to be able to keep the company and its employees. And our name and our connections will help them. It's a deal and the key point for them was the marriage. It's some kind of inheritance thing or something for their son. I've tried everything, but we can only do this if we fulfill this part. I'm sorry, really."

You sigh deeply now and meet his apologetic, almost desperate look with an understanding, soft half-smile. "Let us hope that he is at least as understanding and mature about it as I am."


He's definitely not as understanding and mature about it as you. You completely understand him and why he tries to avoid an arranged marriage. You would too if it wouldn't be for your uncle, the company, and the employees there. You have discussed some other ways with your uncle the last days, everything you have found out while searching online, but he has tried everything that was possible. So, you have finally given in.

You feel nervous about the meeting this evening. Your uncle wanted to introduce you to your almost-fiancé and his parents to finalize the agreement. The problem – he is not very happy about the whole thing. And incomprehensibly, he only lets you feel it.

You feel his analyzing gaze during the entire dinner, but he hasn't spoken more than a few words to you.

"Your uncle has told us that you're studying to become a teacher. Why, may I ask?"

You stare at the woman in front of you and try to understand if Mrs. Han wants to offend you or start a conversation.

"Don't get me wrong, I think it's great. But you could have taken over your uncle's company. I was just wondering how it came to this."

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