the inheritance - Hyunjin (2)

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"Maybe he just needs more time to get used to the whole situation." You eye your sister over the coffee bar of your bakery. She shrugs her shoulders and takes a sip of her coffee. She has offered to help you today with the shop, because one of your temps has called in sick.

"He had already 8 months to get used to it. He should decide if he wants to continue like this or not. I mean, I have finally torn myself away from our parents. I couldn't care less about the stupid money he inherits." You arrange the freshly baked pastries and small tarts in the display and walk around the counter to look at it. Satisfied with it, you go behind the counter again to get everything ready for the day.

"Well, maybe you should interpret his behavior differently."

You turn to her again, now curious about her idea. "What do you mean, Unnie?"

"He was surprised by this wedding just like you were. He wasn't ready to marry you and was forced by his parent like you." She takes up with her explanation. "You can't blame him for making his frustration clear."

"I'm aware with this." You reply and shake your head. "I mean, I was frustrated as well. But I never complained to him about it."

"Yeah, I know, you took your frustration and put it into wonderful cakes." She holds up a hand to stop you from talking. "But let me finish, that wasn't my interpretation of him at all."

"Fine, go on."

"What do you think about the idea that he actually likes you?" She stands up and brings her empty cup to you, meeting your confused look with a confident one. "Try to follow my explanation before you complain. It's been more than ten years since we've seen each other. I know, that you two were really good friends in your childhood. And if you ask me – and you did – then he really liked you a lot at that time. Maybe he didn't think the idea of marrying you was so bad, but rather how quickly you did it."

"It was the wish of both our parent. He can't blame me for this."

"I know. But he may be hurt by the way you were on your wedding day. Father literally has to drag you to the altar. You looked as if you had been led to the slaughter. I can understand if it hurt him, how much you resisted it as if you didn't like him. And we both know how much you liked him back then. And now."

"He didn't look very happy himself." You reply and feel nevertheless a little guilty because she's right.

"Yes, you're in the same boat. Maybe you should talk to him and explain that you want to try to know him better again, to build up a normally relationship between you two. Or you could do something romantic to him, I remember he was already quite romantic as a child."

You remember too, because she was the one, he had a crush on. The one you wanted to be to him at this time. But you never told him and then you moved away.

"I've tried to talk to him, but either he rejected it or he was mean." You say, remembering the attempts too vividly.

"Should I talk to him?" She asks like several times before. "You know, I'm the big sister, he will talk to me if he wants to or not."

"No, thank you, Unnie." It's not her problem. And to be honest, your jealousy is rising when you imagine how it could be. In the worst case, he would prefer her, but be stuck in this marriage. You feel bad to think about something like this, because you don't trust them to do this, but you can't prevent it.

"Fine. But you need to do something, I hate to see you suffer like this. Promise me."

She holds up her hand, the pinky finger outstretched. You meet her prompting look.

"Okay, I promise." You wrap your little finger around hers and seal the promise. You both laugh a little about the childish act, but both become professional when the front door of the bakery opens.

You greet the customers friendly and notice a moment later that you know them. Felix and Seungmin enters the bakery, followed by Changbin and Hyunjin. Except for the latter, they look around curiously before coming to the counter.

"What brought you here?" Your sister asks them, remembering them from the wedding like you. And like always, she gets along well with everyone.

"We were just nosy to see this place. Hyunjin sometimes brings some pastries from you, and we wanted to see where the magic happens." Felix answers with a bright smile.

"We hope it's fine we come unannounced." Seungmin adds. You and your sister nods simultaneously.

"Sure. What do you want to try?" You smile at them and point to the display and the coffee menu card.

They eye the cake and pastries quiet some while, except for Hyunjin. He has been fixated on his cell phone since he entered.

"Could we get a bunch of pastries and cookies? A bit of everything and a lot? And to go? We would like to share with the staff at work and try everything." Felix asks, pointing to some as an example.

"Yeah sure!" You grab a large transport box from under the counter and begin to follow his instructions which pastry and how much. You laugh while he tries to decide what is a good amount to share, being patient and amused with him. Your sister starts to prepare the coffees, Seungmin has ordered in the time.

"This should be all." Felix says, looking satisfied through the small window in the box in front of him. "How much does it make?"

"I would like to give it to you like this." You explain. You were expecting them to take more, but this amount really doesn't matter much for today. "As a delayed thank you for the wedding gifts. I've been meaning to do something, but I wasn't sure what."

"You don't need to!" Felix reacts. "That's quite a lot!"

"Please just accept it." You reply, taking a step back from the counter to make it clear that you won't accept anything.

"Yes, please." You sister interferes and pats you on the shoulder. "She can talk you into it all day long, believe me."

You thrust your elbow into her side, but Felix still looks insecure. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." You answer.

"It won't push us to ruin, trust me." Your sister adds and you look at her with narrowed eyes, questioning what kind of argument this is.

Hyunjin snorts amused, the first time he reacts. All of you look at him, but he just shakes his head, looking at Felix. "Just take it if they insist. One thing is for sure, she is definitely not going to be poor."

And with this, he turns around, dragging Changbin with him as he leaves the bakery.

You blink surprised by his words.

"We're sorry about him." Seungmin shrugs his shoulders. "You know, he thinks that...whatever, I guess you know it."

You take your look from the entrance door and look at the younger one. Your mind races and you try to understand how exactly this comment and Hyunjins previous behavior relate to each other.

"To be honest, I have no idea. What does he think?" You ask and Felix and Seungmin now changes a strange look.

"You really don't know?" Seungmin asks to be sure, but you shake your head.

"I know he has a problem with me and is quit mean to me. But I really don't know why, and he doesn't want to talk to me properly."

"Well, as we have understood, it is about this inheritance." Felix starts. And even before he explains it more detailed, you have finally a guess why he is like this.

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