the inheritance - Hyunjin (4)

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You stare at Hyunjin and your sister a little longer than needed, not sure about the feeling in your chest, while they laugh together about her trying a new decoration with the milk foam on the coffee and failing.

Then you regain your composure and look at Felix and Seungmin, who are sitting at the table with you. They both look at you with a knowingly grin and you don't really like it. Since you and Hyunjin have built your friendship back in the last weeks, you have even become friends with them. And until now it was really nice. But you can guess what they want to say now.

"Ohh, I know this look." Seungmin starts, pointing between you and the coffee bar. You catch his hand and push it on the tabletop, before Hyunjin and your sister would notice it.

Both boys giggle about your reaction and you roll your eyes. "I don't know what you mean."

"No, obviously not." Seungmin respond ironically.

"Let us continue." You point to the paper in front of you where you have written down their wishes about the cake. "Some more ideas or wishes about Changbins cake?"

They both take a minute to read your notes and shake their heads. "No, this should be all. Can you get it done by the weekend?"

"Yeah, sure. I will do my best." You smile soothing at them and write down the date again, just to be sure.

"Great." Felix leans closer to you. "When we're done with that, let's talk about something else."

"I really don't want to talk about it when we're thinking about the same thing."

"Do you mean the look you just gave Hyunjin?" Felix smiles at you, looking over to Hyunjin and then back to you. "Or the way he's been staring at you since you just touched Seungmin's hand?"

You feel your heart beating faster with his words and resist the urge to look at him.

"Well, we're married, we can look at each other how we want." You reply and both of them chuckle again.

"Yeah, you both look at each other like there is a lot to talk about." Seungmin comments and you finally look at Hyunjin. His face expression changes instantly, and you are not sure, what it was before.

Somewhat later they have left, and you are in the kitchen, preparing everything for the next day. Hyunjin steps in and you hear how he puts down the mugs at the sink. "Thank you again that we could come here on your day off."

"Well, you had a day off too and you want to surprise your friend for his birthday." You turn your head to look at him and smile reassuring. "I like the fact that you came to me for the cake."

"Of course I'm coming to you with this." He answers, sounding almost offended by this. "I know how much care you put into your work. And that it will be incredibly delicious."

"Yeah, I guess this is one advantage of being married to me." You reply, a little flustered by his words, and turn around to the counter in front of you, where you have written down your notes again with some additional ideas.

"Well, one of the advantages, yes." He mumbles lowly.

"Oh, do you think there are more?" You ask amused, trying to ignore the slight goosebumps like always when he talks in a low and quiet voice.

"Definitely, yes." You shrug a little when he is suddenly right behind you, resting his hands on each side of you on the counter, caging you like this. "Do you want to know them?"

You want to turn around, but suddenly your knees feel weak, and you lean against the counter, your heartbeat faster with his closeness. "Mhm" is all you can answer, not trusting your own voice, your cheeks suddenly burning.

He hums satisfied. "Okay, let me tell you some that I've noticed the last weeks. At first, you are one of the most patient, forgiving people I know. Even after months of ignoring you and being mean to you, you wanted to clarify everything and try to get along well. You work hard for your business and are always friendly and polite to everyone, even after a long, rough day. You take such a good care of Kkami and have fought hard for his affection. You always try to somehow fit your free time around mine so that we can do something together. You go to exhibitions and museums with me just because I like it. I know that you try to feign interest in it, even though you think it's boring. And somehow you manage to recognize exactly the times when I just need a quiet walk or a relaxing movie night. You are the most attentive, loving person I know."

Your face burn with his words and you're sure your heart can't beat any faster. You try to gather yourself together and finally turn around, when you feel how he leans his forehead against your head.

"And somehow you are jealous of your sister." You freeze for a moment with his words and suddenly turn around to him, looking up, while he blinks surprised with your movements.

"What?" Your voice sounds oddly high. "How did you come up with that?"

He tilts his head, eyeing you attentively and a grin slowly appears on his lips when he notices your red cheeks. "I certainly spotted the look on your face earlier. And every time in the last weeks when I talked to her."

His gaze even intensifies as he keeps looking at you and you feel your cheeks burning while you try to ignore what this does to you. Then it breaks out of you, just because you can't keep holding his look. "You still have a crush on her, right? I shouldn't be jealous, I know, we're not a real couple, but I can't stop it."

He leans back, surprised by your words, and blinks at you. You turn around again, embarrassed with this situation.

"Still?" Hyunjin sounds questioningly but recovers from his small shook fast. "You mean because I crushed on her over 10 years ago? Why do you even remember that?"

"Why do you think?" You mumble back. It's already embarrassing for you, just be honest, you think. "I had a crush on you myself back then."

"Really?" You nod lightly, not having the guts to turn to him again.

He chuckles lowly behind you, leaning closer until you feel his breath in your hair. "Add cute to the list about you. And absolutely clueless."

He sighs against your hair when you don't respond. "Why do you think I can say all this about you? Why am I telling you?"

You shrug your shoulders and feel his head moving, his lips touching your ear with his next, whispered words. "I can't stop staring at you when I'm with you. And I like being with you. I'm jealous as soon as you even laugh with one of the boys. Or even lightly touch Seungmin's hand. So what do you think does that mean?"

Before you can even try to find some words and get them out of your mouth, he grabs you by the waist and turn you around, leaning down to you after. "I had my first crush ever on her as a child. But that was years ago. I needed some time and an arranged marriage, but in the meantime, I've had a last crush and found my true love. And I hope they like me too."

You stare at him, surprised about the direction this day has taken. Hyunjin tilts his head again, eyeing you curiously, a small smile on his lips. "What do you answer now, love? What is your response to my confession?"

Some parts of your brain must have switched off because you just lean even closer to him until you press your lips on his. He instantly buried one hand in your hair, deepening the kiss, while you wrap your arms around his waist. The kiss only ends when you both have to gasp for air.

"You could have used words, love." He mumbles and chuckles lightly.

You lean a little back. "Well, if you prefer that, you have to give me some room to breathe."

"Forget about it." He pulls you closer again, smiling amused like you do, his lips almost moving against yours with his next words. "You'd better repeat your answer again, I may not have understood you exactly."

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