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„Babe." You stop in your motions with Chans warningly voice. You lay on the couch with him, more on him than next to him, and watch a movie. Your head is resting on his chest and your hand had slowly stroked over his stomach.

"What have I done?" You ask him, raising your head to meet his gaze.

"Nothing." He answers, his voice now sounding strangely innocent. "Sorry, babe."

You stare at him for a moment before you lay back down on his chest again. You try to concentrate on the movie again, your hand instinctively stroking over his side again. It's just the little flinch of him that now make sense to you and lead your concentration back to him.

You look at him again, a knowing smile on your face and he sighs deeply, when you tickle him lightly on purpose now.

"Ticklish, hm?" You grin and he sighs again, before he laughs quietly and catches your hand to hold it tight, to prevent you from tickles him more.

"Don't test it out, babe. You don't know what you could start."


You sneak into the kitchen, your gaze fixed on Minho. You tiptoe closer to him, trying to finally surprise him. It's always him who catch you off guard, either he really scares you or he disguises it with a surprising hug. Or he tickles you till you can hardly breath with laughter. Now it's time for revenge.

You are almost behind him, while he is still looking for something in the fridge. Suddenly he straightens up and before you even understand why, he turns around.

"What are you doing?" He asks and you shrug your shoulders, trying to look as innocent as possible, barely suppressing a traitorous smile.

"I don't know, what you mean. I was just curious what you were searching for."

He tilts his head, eyeing you, before he grins knowingly. "Oh yes, I understand."

You know the look on his face, and before he can move, you turn around and rushes into the living room, unable to suppress the laughter. You hear his footsteps behind you and the smile in his voice. "You asked for it. Just wait until I get you."


"Binnie." You say while you watch your boyfriend grabbing his stuff and putting it into the suitcase. "I'm sure that you have enough time until next week to pack this suitcase. Why are you doing it now?"

He stops in front of his closet and sighs. "I just hate the days before I have to leave you."

You practically melted with his words and stands up from his bed. You walk over to him and hug him from behind, your hands slowly stroking over his chest. "How about we enjoy the next days together instead of worrying about the time we would be apart?"

"Sounds better, I have to admit." He answers and you hear him smiling. "What did you have in mind?"

Before he even can finish his question, your hands wander to his sides, and you begin to tickle him. He swallows hard before giggling, moving slightly away and breaking free from your embrace. He turns around and grabs you around your waist with one hand, pulling you closer, tickling you with the other hand. "Not what I have thought of, but you have started it."


You turn around to your boyfriend, a slightly reproachful expression on your face. "You have done what?"

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