Crush on Jeongin - Part 1

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"And there he is." You can hear the knowingly smile in the voice of your co-worker. You don't even look up, knowing yourself who will enter the coffeeshop due to the comment. Although you really want to look, but your co-worker won't be quiet if you do it.

"You know, it is pretty obvious." He keeps talking and you look at him pleading, hoping he stops before the guy can hear him. "I have never saw him order some coffee, when you are not working. It seems like he-"

"Welcome!" You say unnecessary loud to interrupt him and look to the guy, he has talked about. You can hear him giggle while your counterpart blinks surprised. You try to cover your nervousness with a friendly smile. "What can we do for you?"
"Oh, I know something-" You nudge your co-worker aside, hoping he would finally be silent.

"Ignore him." You say and your nervousness changes to embarrassment. "He has way too much coffee today."

"I believe this is easy to get at this place." Your counterpart says and then shrugs a little. You smile about his reply, but he seems to be a little embarrassed about it. You think it is cute.

"Far too easy." You nod at him. "So, what do you want?"

He looks up at the menu above the counter. Like every visit he takes his time to read the different options and then he looks at you again with a smile and order an iced americano.

"The usual." You say and nod at him. "Give me a minute."

He waits at the end of the counter, and you can feel his gaze on you. But every time you look back, he avoids your eyes, looking around the nearly empty coffeeshop. Just his red ears reveal him. And this realization let your heart pound faster and you feel your own cheeks redden a little.

When the iced americano is ready, you go back to him, shoving the plastic cup over the counter. With just a little too much strength and before you can reach it or he could hold it, it tips over.

"I'm so sorry!" You rush around the counter, grabbing a bunch of napkins on your way. You see the chaos you have caused when you stop next to him. Half of the coffee is on the ground, the other half is spilled on his light hoodie. Before you can think twice, you push a few napkins against the hoodie, dabbing them over his stomach until you notice how bold your actions are. You stop again in your motion and then pull back panicking.

"Really, sorry. Again." You feel your cheeks burn. Now, of all times, your brain shuts down. You squeeze the napkins in your hand, thinking what you can say to make this less awkward.

He clear his throat. "It's fine. It's just a hoodie."

"No, I'm really sorry. Of course, the coffee is free or whatever you want. If you still want something." You say, now more babble to get over the embarrassment of the situation. "I mean, it's okay, if you don't want-"

You stop immediately when he suddenly grabs your hand. You look up to him, just the meet the sweetest, softest smile on his face. "It is fine, really."

You just nod, literally mesmerized by him. "But I would not say no to a coffee again. Like, with you. I mean, if you want to drink a coffee with me?" He stops, now babbles himself and it leads you to smile again. "Is it awkward to ask you to drink a coffee with me? We could drink something different. Or eat, or do-"

"Yes." Now you interrupt him, feeling amused that you both seems to be way too nervous with the other. "Coffee would be fine. Or whatever you want."

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