dispute - Seungmin (4)

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"So, to sum it up." You follow Seungmin's quiet order to sit down on the closed toilet after washing your face and neck and every part of red skin that's seen with the tank top you're wearing now. "You know like everything that I can't eat or don't like? And had written it down for the case I'm at the dorm and we eat something?"

Seungmin sighs and kneels down in front of you. He opens the cream you got from the doctor after your check-up, even though you've told him the allergy reaction were not that bad. "Can we stop talking about it?"

"No." You grin and watch how he scoops up a bit cream on his fingers. "Just one last question."

"Fine." He looks up at you, waiting for the question, before he wants to help you apply the cream. You are pretty sure you could to it yourself, you would just need a mirror, but to be honest, you like this caring side of him. And you can tease him.

"How did you know all these?"

Suddenly his cheeks flush and his ears too and he shakes his head. He leans forward and carefully tap the cream on a spot on your neck. You shrug a bit, surprised by his sudden movement and the cold cream.

"Sorry." He mumbles, eyeing your face a second, before going back to work, applying it even more carefully on the next spot. "Does it hurt?"

"No, it was just cold." You reply as quiet and watch his doing as good as you can.

You let him work in silence, ignoring your racing heartbeat, while he comes closer and his fingertips stroke over the few small spots on your cheeks.

"I think, this was all." He closes the cream again and leans back but stays on the ground.

You think about asking him again, still wanting to know his answer after he has ignored it. But then he sighs, puts the cream away and looks up at you. He eyes you a moment and swallows hard.

"I wanted to prevent something like this from happening. After realizing I didn't even know something this important about you, I just needed to know it. I've asked your parents and then observed you. Maybe a bit too creepy, but I just-"

"Not creepy." You interrupt him. There it is again, this flattering, tingling feeling, the racing heartbeat. "To be honest, it would be creepy, if it wasn't you. But it's cute."

"Really?" He raises his eyebrows amused.

"Yeah, well, you're worried." Your cheeks redden while he stares at you now, surprised by your words. "You know, what that mean, Seungmin?"

"What?" He just mumbles it while you lean down to him, grinning knowingly.

"You like me." Your heart pounds and your hands trembles while you lean forward confidently and press your lips to his just for a tiny moment. It's all you have the courage for, and you use his minor shock about it to get up in a hurry and leave the bathroom.

"How did you come up with that idea exactly?" He follows you, obviously back to his old self.

You grin over your shoulder at him and shrug your shoulders. "Firstly, your uncle has told me you had a crush on me for a while now."

"He has not done that." He says irritated and sounds a bit betrayed by his uncle.

"Not in the wording, but the message was clear." You giggle about his flushed cheeks, and he avoids your gaze while sitting down on the couch. "So, secondly, the list. Obviously."

He rolls his eyes, and you sit down next to him, with enough space between you two, even though you would like to slide closer.

"Thirdly, your friends. Hyunjin has said something about your lovey-dovey-face and now I see it too."

He grumbles lowly while his cheeks turn even redder. "I don't make a face like this."

"Oh yes, you do." You turn to him and tilt your head while he slowly looks at you.

"You're the same." He says and leans unintentionally forward, closer to you. "I mean, you don't hate me the way you've acted the last years."

"I've never hated you." You state surprised. "I just didn't know how to behave towards you. You were really awkward the first time, you know, when you left me in the middle of the party with your drink all over me."

He grumbles lowly. "I was just embarrassed that I got it all over you, from all people there. I'm sorry that I've left you there like an idiot."

"It's fine now, no need to be sorry." You grin as Seungmin looks up at you examining. "Just never leave me alone at a party again, okay?"

"I would be an even bigger idiot then." He nods and you smile amused.

Then you remember the actual topic of your conversation. You bite your lip, deciding if you really want to bring it up again. But well, you really want to know if it's true. Your pounding heart couldn't stand any more time of nervousness and insecurity.

"So, back to my assumption." He sighs again and looks tortured for a moment.

"Can we talk about something else?"

"No way. It's important." You point between him and you to underline your words. "For us. For this whole thing."

"You mean our marriage when you talk about 'the whole thing', right?"

"Of course." He rolls his eyes, and you really need to hold yourself back for a moment, thinking about how to stop him from doing this. Kiss him or slap him. You can't think of another possibility.

And because violence is not a solution, you lean forward until your face is just inches away from his.

"Didn't you want to talk about something?" He mumbles, his eyes big and surprised by your action.

"You didn't want to, so let me check it another way." You clearly notice the half smirk on his lips, what takes you by surprise. Even more, when he suddenly cups your face, his fingertips burying into your hair, his thumbs stroking your skin.

"And what kind of answer do you expect?" He mumbles and his breath fans lightly over your lips. A shiver runs down your spine.

"I don't know." You whisper and finally summon up the courage again to close the little distance. It's not really more than the peck on his lips in the bathroom, a shy, gentle kiss.

But his grip tightens as you move back again, and before you can even mock him about this reaction, that is answer enough, he pulls you back. And he kisses you again, longer, slow, but fiercely and deeply.

"Was that the answer you wanted?" He asks as he breaks away from the kiss, as out of breath as you are. You need a moment to understand his question, putting the meaning together, a little spaced out after this kiss.

He tilts his head and smirks, definitely amused and proud that he's caught you off guard.

"So, you like me?" You finally get the words out.

"That's a question again." He kisses you again before you can reply, even more passionate and intense. You slide closer, burying one hand in the hair at the back of his neck, grabbing his shoulder with the other.

"So?" He mumbles again after leaning back, just enough to eyeing your flushed cheeks.

"You like me." You sound surprisingly confident with your words, even though you know now that he likes you. You just expected your voice to shake after those kisses.

He hums satisfied. "And what is your response to this?"

Now it is you who grins cheekily. "Do you want real words or should I show you?"

He chuckles and wraps one hand around your waist to pull you still closer to him. "Decide for yourself." He answers, while he guides you to climb on his lap, and leans back a bit, resting on the couch backrest.

"Before I answer." You say, brushing your fingers through his hair. "This couch is the worst. Can we either get another one or share the bed?"

"Well, we need to observe your allergic reaction, so I prefer the option with the bed." He grins and draws you close. He doesn't wait for your response, and you have no intention of answering him with words when you two kiss again.

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