Hasty - Han (2)

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"He sounds stupid." Your look runs from the street in front of you to your best friend. Hyunjin sits behind the steering wheel, driving just a little too fast on the road. "How was his name again?"

"Jisung." You answer and shrug your shoulders. "Han Jisung."

"Oh oh." You turn around to look at Felix, who sits on the back seat, a bunch of snacks around him. He suddenly looks worried at you, a half-opened pack of cookies in his hands. "Our Han Jisung?"

"What do you mean?" You look between your friends when Hyunjin suddenly laughs loudly.

"It definitely sounds like him." He mumbles and look shortly at you. "You know, he can be very stupid."

"Is he one of your friends?" You ask and feel your heart beating faster with slight panic.

It's been two weeks since the dinner. Mrs. Han has called you later, to apologize for his son and to express her understanding for your reaction. Mr. Han and your uncle has discussed the marriage and have decided that the tempers should calm down a little and then they will try to mediate between you again. You were surprised that your uncle wasn't disappointed with you, but he has said it was deserved after Jisung tried to get your mother into this. She was his sister, and he has loved her, so you think, he would have said something himself if you hadn't stopped Jisung.

And now you are sitting in the car with your two only friends, on your way to a short vacation at the beach. They have invited you and you have known that their other friends would come too, but who could have guessed that Han Jisung could be one of them? What kind of coincidence is that?

"Well, maybe he is it or maybe not. There can be more than one Han Jisung, right?" Felix considers and finally opens the cookies to give some to you.

Hyunjin opens his mouth, and you give the first cookie to him. "Has your Han Jisung told something about this?"

Felix shakes his head, and Hyunjin answers with a full mouth. "It took you two weeks to tell us about it. And to be honest, I don't listen very well when he rants about someone."

"Ah, wait!" Felix grabs his phone out of his pocket. "I've a photo of him!"

You turn more around to him, ignoring Hyunjin who mentions to you to give him the next cookie.

Felix needs some time to find the right photo, but you groan instantly as he turns his phone screen to you.

"You gotta be kidding me." You mumble and fall back in your seat.

"Ohh, he is the right Han Jisung." Hyunjin giggles and you lean over to shove the requested cookie into his mouth. And to stop his teasing that you know will follow.

"Is it really that bad?" Felix asks and you hear the crackle of the next snack he opens. "I mean, you sounded sorry a few minutes ago because you have slapped him. We all know you hate confrontations and violence, so it is an unusual behavior for you. Maybe you can talk with him and apologize. And he can too."

"He won't." Hyunjin interrupts, still chewing. "We know him. And I argued a lot with him at the beginning of our friendship. He's really bad with saying sorry. Don't expect too much, okay?"

Felix sighs and gives you some other snack to share with Hyunjin. "He's a little heated and judges hastily sometimes. But most of the time, he is really nice. And funny. Sometimes even shy when he's not very comfortable with someone. I think you could like him."

"Maybe" You shrug your shoulders. "But I think he won't change his mind about me after I've slapped him."

"You could use the time to show him what an amazing person you are." Felix smiles lovely at you when you look back again.

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