misunderstanding - Chan (3)

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You feel exhausted. Today you have met with your mother, the regular meets with her so she can control if everything is alright. She was happy to hear that your relationship with Chan is finally going well. Even though she wouldn't do anything if you would tell something else, like the months before you clear up the misunderstanding. But you have brought up the topic of your study. You have tried to explain, why you don't want to keep studying business studies and what you likely wanted to do. And then you have discussed with her about the purpose of studying and why she doesn't believe you can gain a foothold in the art world. And that they would never support you in something like that. You know, you could try it with a part-time job, but it seems to be unreachable when you do it without any support.

You are surprised to see Chan in the living room when you come home. He sits on the dining table in the living room, his laptop in front of him. Working from home like he often does the last time, but he is home, when you are, and this is what matters for you. But now you would prefer to be alone, to hide in your studio and paint, trying to forget the hurtful words of your mother.

Chan looks up from the screen when you enter the living room, greeting you with a wide smile. You try to smile back, but it is difficult in your current mood.

Chan senses immediately that something happens and stands up, his work instantly forgotten. "What happened?"

You want to lie to him, not making a big deal out of it, but it just breaks out of you. "I met with my mother and she was not very nice when I told her about the study program I want to try instead of business studies. And...she..."

You begin to stutter, finding the right words to describe your feelings, but at the same time trying to sound less whiny, what doesn't really work.

You feel overwhelmed again with the bad feelings and stop talking, but Chan doesn't ask again. He seems to understand what is going on inside your head, and just rush to you. He carefully wraps his arms around your shoulders and slowly pulling you against his chest.

"Is this okay?" He asks after a few seconds, when you were just frozen in your motions, surprised by his actions. He has hugged you before, but more like a friendly, welcoming hug. This feels different.

"Yes." You answer and finally move, wrapping your arms around his hips, burying your head on his chest. "This is exactly what I need now."

His grip gets a little tighter around you. "You can tell me more about it, when you are ready."

You nod and a few minutes later, you find the words again to explain yourself better. And he listens, still hugging you.

It is a week later, when you are sitting on the dining table, lecture notes all over the table. You try to get this stuff in your head since the morning, just a small lunch break between. The exam is in two days and you aren't even understanding half of the topics.

You rest your head in your hands when you hear Chan at the front door. You look up at him, when he stops at the table on the opposite side.

"Have you even moved since this morning?" He asks curious, frowning.

"I have eaten something in between." You reply and smile tired at him.

He shakes his head and push some of your notes to the side. "You should make a break again. It is pretty late and you need something to eat again, I guess. It is not good to work for so long."

You raise an eyebrow. "You are the one telling me that?"

"Well, I should know it, right?" He walks around the table to you and hold up some headphones. "How about I order some food for us, and you listen to the song I'm working on right now?"

After a few days, you sit in your studio again, in front of your easel. Chan has helped you learning the missing topics and you have made it through the exam, not good, but a pass is a pass.

And now you can finally relax a little, drawing the flowers Chan gave you yesterday. You can't describe with the right words how pleased you were when he came home with them. And how fast your heart pounds when you just look at them. You can't deny it, you have fallen for him in the last months.

You shrug when you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder. Putting the headphones out, you turn around.

"I'm sorry." He says and smiles with slightly red cheeks. "I knocked, but you probably didn't hear me."

You nod and your mouth is faster than your brain. "Yeah, your song is really addictive."

You feel your own cheeks redden with your reveal, about as much as his are now.

"So, what did you want from me?" You ask after a moment, still avoiding his gaze and turning to the easel to put down your brush. When he doesn't answer, you look at him again, but he eyes your studio and the paintings, that are spread around the room.

"Chan?" You ask again, drawing his attention back to you.

"Sorry." He shrugs his shoulders, his gaze wanders through the room again. "I don't think I've ever been in here before."

"Feel free to look around." You reply and watch satisfied how he moves around to look at the canvases and your paper sketches on the walls.

"I wanted to talk about something with you." He explains and you suddenly feel tensed. Your parents always start like this when they wanted to reveal their plans to you.

"It's nothing bad." He seems to see your discomfort instantly and you are once more surprised about his quick understanding and empathy. "At least I don't think it's a bad thing. I wanted to ask you for a date."

"A date?" He has catch you off guard and you stare at him.

"Yes." He turns around to you again, a gentle smile on his lips. "We never had a chance to get to know each other like this. Maybe it is time that we tried to be more."

"More?" You ask again, feeling like a parrot, but you are too surprised with his suggestion.

"Yeah, I mean, I know we are already married. I think we have become good friends over the last few months." He shrugs his shoulders and shove his hands in a nervous gesture in his pockets. "If you want to do the same, we could try to find out if we can be a real married couple, not just on the paper. What do you think?"

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