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You step out of the door of the hospital, trying to take on your jacket, the plaster cast on your arm new and unfamiliar to you.

You are ready to go home, but suddenly a car stops in front of you. Before you can go around it, the door opens and your boyfriend gets out.

"Channie?" You ask surprised, while he comes to you. He eyes you carefully, his gaze remains attached to your arm. "What are you doing here?"

He sighs and when he finally looks up in your eyes, his expression is worried and also accusingly. "You have told Changbin that you are here, but not me?"

"I talked to him on the phone when I fell down." You try to explain. "I wanted to call you when I'm home."

"Well, next time, you should call me as soon as you get hurt. Or when you are on the way to the hospital. Or arrive here." He shrugs his shoulders. "Just call me earlier next time, okay? I don't like it to hear it from others."

You nod, feeling guilty that you obviously have made him worried and mad. "Sorry. I was shocked myself and it had hurt really bad."

That makes him soft again and he carefully wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close and kissing your temple.

"Then let us take you home." He leads you to the car, opens the door for you and watches how you sit on the passenger sit. You can't even grab the safety belt when he leans over you and fasten it for you.

Before he stands up, he presses a kiss on your cheek. "Don't scare me like that again. Okay, baby?"


You roll around in the bed, feeling dizzy and tired and everything hurts. This was the worst night ever and the day don't seem to get better. Your head hurt, your throat hurt, even your ears are hurting. And you don't want to know what happen when you would sneeze or cough now. But luckily Minho has given you enough water to drink as soon as you have woken up a few minutes ago.

You slowly sit up, looking around in the room, wondering where your boyfriend is.

He was with you all night, even when you have told him to go home so he wouldn't become infected too. But it feels like talking to a wall. He was too worried about your health to let you alone.

"Stay in bed, jagi." He enters the bedroom, a tablet in his hands.

You do as he said and remain seated when he puts the tablet on the nightstand next to you.

"How does you feel?" He asks and sit down opposite of you.

"Dizzy." You answer, your voice husky and low. "Everything hurts."

He eyes you concerned and pats your leg next to his carefully. "My poor jagi."

He eyes your face and lean forward to hold his hand against your forehead. He waits a few seconds before he nods, slightly satisfied. "Feels like the fever is finally better."

You don't feel better, but you won't say it. You are really whining when you are ill, but he takes such a good care of you that you don't want to appear ungrateful.

He stands up a little to grab the tablet again and place it on your lap. A bowl with soup, a big glass of water and a huge mug with tea stands on it. "Eat up, jagi. You will feel better."


You lean back and take a deep breath, trying to ignore the persistent feeling of nausea.

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