Crush on Seungmin - Part 2

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You rock lightly back and forth on your feet, feeling nervousness rising up in you. You look on your phone, but you are still way to early for this meeting with Seungmin.

It is already the fourth meeting with him, the fifth if you count the first time really. The ice he has talked about to take care of the bump has evolved into ice cream and a funny afternoon.

And now, a few weeks later, you wait for him in front of a dog park, originally wanting to take a walk with him pretty early in the morning. But you now surprise him with Koko, the labradoodle from your parents. You take care of her while they are out of town for the next two weeks. You know he will love Koko. Everyone loves Koko.

You look down to the dog, meeting her curious gaze like she would ask you why you are still waiting. But she is patient and still sits next to you where you have told her to sit down.

"Give him a few more minutes" You mumble, unsure if you are talking to yourself or to Koko. You know Seungmin will be here on time, it was just your own excitement that has led you here too early, happy to finally meet him again.

"Oh sorry" You turn around, not expecting him to come from this side. "Have you waited for long?"

You smile at him and shake your head. "No, you are right on time."

He smiles back at you before his gaze wander down and meet Koko. He sees the leach in your hand and blink surprised when he understands. "You have a dog?"

"Her name is Koko. She is my parent's dog, I just take care of her the next two weeks." You explain and watch how he kneels down.

Koko stands up and moves to him, sniffing on the hand he his holding up to her. He pats her head carefully, while Koko reacts excited with his attention, going as close as possible and wags her tail like crazy.

"She is cute." Seungmin says, smiling widely and stroking through her fur.

"Yes, very cute." You agree but keep looking at him and not Koko. Your heart beats a little faster with this adorable view.

"So that's why you wanted to meet here?" He looks up at you, his fingers buried in the fur, crawling her back. Koko rushes a little forward and tries to lick over his face, but he leans back and giggles a little.

"Yes." You grin at him. "You have told me that you like dogs really much. And when my parents asked me, I thought it would be a great date idea."

"It is." He looks up at you, the familiar crooked grin on his lips that makes your heart flutter. "But as long as you are with me, it would be perfect, not important what we do."

You sigh quietly, still not used to the sweet words he says rarely, but more and more often and relaxed to you.

You reach your hand out to him. "How about we go into the park? Before half of the neighborhood wakes up and is also there?"

He nods and takes your hand but standing up without pulling at it. Koko turns around, looks up to you and moves forwards to the park, when you turn around too.

You thought he would let go of your hand, but he intertwines his fingers with yours and walks next to you. Your heart pounds even faster with this and you really try to stop the happy smile, but you can't keep it from your lips.

Koko runs forward, the leash long enough that she can romp around a little bit.

"Have you finish reading the book you have bought last time?" He asks curious, knowing how fast you finish books if they are good enough. And at the last date, you two were in the book shop you have met first. The look and grin of the cashier was obvious and knowingly, when he has finally saw you two together, going next to each other between the shelves, showing the other a book from time to time.

"Yes, it was very good." You look up to him, smiling challenging at him. "I would lend it to you, but you have said you have no interest in such boring books."

"I would read it, when you read one of my books." He replies, grinning back to you.

"I have never said I wouldn't read this genre." You clarify, remembering how he has made a little fun of the book you brought last time.

"Okay, how about next time you bring one of your books and I one of mine and we change the books." You think the idea is sweet, getting to know each other even more with reading the books the other likes.

So you nod and smiles knowingly at him. "Sounds great. And also, we have to meet again to fulfill the plan, nice move, really."

A slightly proud smile appears on his face, and you stare a little too long at him, amazed how good he looked.

Before he answers, you reach the large meadow and Koko stops running and turn around again. She barks a few times, until you grab the ball from your coat pocket.

You throw it slightly due to the fact that Seungmin still holds your hand, and you have to do it with the wrong one. Koko runs after the ball, catching it fast, chewing a bit on it and then runs back to you.

"She is good at that." Seungmin says and watches how Koko stops in front of you two and let the ball fall to the ground.

"Oh, I hope so. We need to do this one time a day for at least twenty minutes, otherwise she won't leave the park. I would have to drag her out of here on her butt."

Seungmin laughs and picks up the ball to throw it again, this time further and Koko rushes behind it. It continues like this, Koko catches the ball, brings it back and one of you throws it. Mostly Seungmin because you can see the joy on his face.

When it is time to go again, he holds your hand a little tighter. And you know, if he would have the whole day free and not just the morning, he would stay with you. Your path parts at the entry of the park again and you both stop at the same time.

"So, when do we want to exchange books?" You turn to him, his hand still holding yours.

"What do you think about Friday evening?" You think a moment. It is in three days and you have no plans yet.

"Sounds great." You agree and return his happy smile. "How about you come to my house?"

He nods and then comes the strange moment of saying goodbye. The last dates you just don't know how to greet or to say goodbye to him. This time was Koko distracting enough that you haven't thought about it, but now you ask yourself again what to do. You have liked him more and more the last dates and you know, you would like to deepen this all. But you don't know what he thinks about it.

Maybe a kiss on the cheek is fine. It is a nice beginning if he has the same feelings, but not too embarrassing if he has them not.

Before you think twice about it, you stand on your tiptoes and give him a small, carefully kiss on the cheek. He freezes a moment, staring surprised at you and you smile amused that you really have caught him off guard by this.

But then he regains his composure, pulling you back by your hand he is still holding, and you stumble against him. His free hand lands on your neck, drawing you even closer to him. He kisses you softly and slowly and the butterflies goes crazy in your stomach.

You break the kiss, when Koko suddenly bump her nose against your legs, a little reminder that she is still there too.

"Or how about tomorrow? I'm free on the late evening." He says and you both smile at each other.

"Sounds great." You reply and kiss him again, way too short for you two.

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