dispute - Seungmin (2)

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"What?" You sit up, suddenly wide awake again. You've just set up your sleeping place on the couch a few minutes ago, ready to finally get a good night's sleep. "A party?"

"Yes, tomorrow." Seungmin looks at you with a sideways glance, clearly a bit surprised to see you in shorts and a big shirt after coming in the living room. What can you say, it was a long week and even though it's early in the evening, you're really tired. "I've almost forgotten about it. Some company's party of my uncle's, with all his business partners and such."

"And we have to go too?" You're not a big fan of party, especially these boring long evenings with important businesspeople. Your parents dragged you to these things often enough.


"You could have said something earlier, there must be a dress code." You mumble, not really wanting to insult him, more thinking about the possible clothing you could wear. The most of them are still in your parents' home because you had hoped you could stop going to them after your marriage. Well, obviously not. So, it's time to visit your parents tomorrow instead of sleep in and simply do nothing for the whole day like planned.

"Like I said, I forgot." Seungmin replies and rolls his eyes. "You don't have to get all dressed up. We won't stay long, I think. So, it won't be worth it."

"Oh, how nice of you." It's your turn to roll the eyes. "But I think I can decide for myself quite well. So don't tell me what to do or not, if I want to dress up myself, I'll do it."

"I just wanted to reassure you that it's not a big deal."

"You don't need to." You don't know why, but the imagination of going on this party with him, playing the happy newlyweds and maybe even dance with him, annoy you really, really much.

"Well, now you know. I text you the time I'll get here tomorrow and drive with you to the party." He eyes you again and sighs lightly. "The couch is quit uncomfortable, isn't it?"

His question takes you by surprise, because he sounds slightly concerned. You shake your head, even though your back says otherwise. "It's fine."

"We can think about how we can solve the living situation together later. The couch is not a final solution."

"Yeah, sure." You grab your blanket as he turns around and goes back to his bedroom. "Good night."

*next evening*

"Please tell me this is a joke." You mumble, quiet enough that only Seungmin can hear you.

You stand next to him in the garden, starring at the scene of people dancing the waltz, suddenly feeling the urge to turn around and leave the party.

"I wish it was one." You grab his arm more tightly, instinctively clinging to him.

"Can we go back inside?" You tug on him, and he nods, turning around with you to flee from the possibility of dancing with one of the other guests.

"Your uncle hasn't told you about the age limit for this party, hm?" You grin up at him, relieved that he seems to be as uncomfortable about the dance floor as you are.

"Didn't asked him." He answers and you can't suppress the giggle.

"You should start asking more questions."

He huffs and looks at you, ready to reply, as you both stop in your tracks with the voice calling for you two behind you.

"The newlyweds!" It's Seungmin's uncle, smiling friendly at you two after you've turned around again. "How are you both doing? How is the marriage?"

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