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You look up from the vegetables, you are preparing for the dinner, and over your shoulder, knowing Chan would usually join you in the kitchen when he's home at this time. He has a good sense for when he can help you. And you both enjoy it to cook together, especially when you consider how much better the food gets when it's not just you cooking it.

But today is different. He came home unusually early, greeted you shortly and had sat down in his office with his laptop. And he is still there.

Knowing how much stress he has now, you decide to force him to take a short break, even if it's just this evening. He just needs to get out of his head.

So you leave the vegetables on the kitchen counter and go to his small office. You like his workspace and the fact he has small couch specially for you in there to keep him company.

You knock lightly on the door before opening it. Chan doesn't even turn around, his headphones on, leaning back in his chair and starring at the laptop.

"Baby" You say and he shrugs lightly. He turns in his swivel chair to you, shoving his headphones off. "Stop it for today."

He rubs the back of his neck, tilting his head as if he has some pain there. "I just need to finish this. Give me some minutes and then I'll help you cooking."

"No." You say and ignore his surprised look. You grab the back of his chair to turn him around again, stroking firmly over his shoulders before beginning to massage him. "You can choose between cooking now with me or after I've given you a massage. Hurry up with your decision, it's a one-off offer."

He sighs deeply and leans a little closer, melting into your touch. "Not a hard decision. Please continue, baby."


It's already pretty late when you hear your boyfriend coming home. You pause the movie on the TV and turn to watch him entering the living room.

"Hey, Minho" You greet him with a smile, expecting his usual tired tone plus the cute smile.

"Hi, jagi" He says without the smile. Not even a twitch of the corners of his mouth. He just comes to the couch and sits down next to you, eyeing the TV shortly.

"What's the matter?" You ask instantly, frowning when he just shrugs his shoulders. You slide closer to him and cup his face to make him look at you properly. "Don't play this game where I've to keep asking you. I can see that something is wrong. Talk to me."

Minho sighs and you can see him discussing with himself for a moment, before he gives in. He suddenly wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer until he can bury his face in the crook of your neck.

"It was a rough day" He mumbles, and you stroke over his back. "There is this part of the dance that I just couldn't get right today. The performance is soon and everything needs to work until then. I just-"

"You need to rest, Minho." You rub his shoulders and feel his tensed muscles. "You can try again tomorrow, and you'll see you will get it. We both know what an amazing dancer you are."

He just sighs at your words, but you can feel him nodding.

"How about a massage?" You rub firmer over his back, as good as you can in this position.

"Can I take a shower beforehand?" His voice is still low, but you can hear a smile in it.

"Of course. I'll wait for you." He slowly breaks free from your embrace but stays close to you.

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