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You take off your coat and shows directly behind the entrance door, hastily putting them to their place in the hallway. Then you rush though the appartement, the shopping bag heavy on your shoulder.

Chan is still in the kitchen, preparing the dinner, like he has done it when you left a while ago to get the forgotten ingredients. You drop the bag on the kitchen counter and that's the moment, Chan turns around to you.

"Did you get everything?" He asks with a gentle smile.

He huffs surprised when you just go to him and wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly instead of answering.

"Oh, did something happen?" He lays his arms around your shoulders and tries to look into your face.

You just stay as close as somehow possible to him, feeling the urge to just hug him. You shake your head to soothe his worries, nothing had happened.

"Baby?" He asks again, trying to gently break the hug, but you stay where you want to be. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Chan." You lean a little back, just enough to finally look up at him. "I've just missed you."

He laughs amused but eyes you still a little concerned. "You were away like...30 minutes?"

"And that was way too long." You reply and bury your face on his chest again.

He laughs about your words and hugs you back. "Shall we go shopping together next time? Would that be better?"

You know he's making a little fun of you, but you nod anyway. He laughs again and begins to stroke over your back slowly. "Really?"

You look up at him again, with big eyes and a little pout when you see his teasing smile. "Stop making fun of me. I just want to cuddle with you as much as possible. Don't you want that too?"

Chan blinks irritated but then he pulls you back to his chest, pressing a kiss on your head. "Sorry, baby."

His one hand runs through your hair, the other is firmly pressed on your back, holding you close. He giggles lightly, enjoying your clinginess now. "I want that too, of course."


You stand up from the bed after watching your boyfriend packing his stuff into his luggage. You just need to stop him for a moment before the upcoming goodbye makes you tearily and sad. Well, more than you already are.

It's still hard for you when Minho has some appointments for shows or concerts abroad. And the way he is packing this focused lead you to think it's pretty difficult for him too. Even though he won't admit it.

You sneak up on him while he stands in front of his wardrobe, looking for some clothing he might need. Without saying anything, you wrap your arms around him from behind, leaning your head against his back. He flinches in surprise, before he strokes over your arms around his belly.

"You gave me a fright, jagi." He sighs and pats your hand.

"Sorry" You mumble back, smiling about his reaction, not really feeling sorry. "Just wanted to hug you."

"I noticed." Minho chuckles amused and tries to grab your hand to detach you from him again. "But I need to finish packing."

You ignore his attempt and hug him tighter instead. "But you're only flying in two days."

"Yeah, and we wanted to spend tomorrow together. So, if you want to enjoy the whole day with me, you should let me pack my stuff now. Otherwise, I need to do it tomorrow."

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