Crush on Changbin - Part 2

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"You are such a coward." You roll your eyes and watch how your friend stands up and grab her stuff.

She has finished her training, like the guy at the other side of the gym a few minutes ago.

"You have not set a time limit with your deal." You remind her and meet her annoyed look with a proud smile. She shakes her head and holds out a hand to help you up.

"You will never talk to him, right?" She sighs dramatically. "Be brave this one time and maybe you will be surprised?"
"Oh yeah, because he could like me too? How delulu are you?" You give her a little shove to the directions of the changing rooms and showers. "Let us stop talking about this, please."

She points one finger in your direction, looking threatening at you. "I will never go hiking with you, when you don't try it."

You just wave it off and she goes away. You leave the training rooms to wait in the entrance area.

You grab some of the free water bottles on the entrance counter, just to look busy if someone walks by. You hate it to be this alone and actual there is not even an employee here.

It takes some effort to open the bottle due to the plaster cast at your forearm, but you finally take a few sips. You put the bottle on the counter to close it again, just to struggle one more time with the plaster cast. And with your amazing amount of clumsiness, you knock the bottle over. The water runs over the counter and drips to the floor before you can even catch the bottle.

"Dang it" You curse quietly, grabbing the bottle and looking for some napkins around to clean up the little chaos before someone can see it. In your panic, you found the pile of napkins next to the other bottles, but knock it off too, watching how they fall to the ground, widely spreading.

You sigh about yourself, try not to lose your composure, and kneel down to get some napkins.

"Do you need some help?" You flinch a little with the sudden voice, sounding a little amused.

"No, no!" You hurry to say, but the person already kneels next to you and grabs a handful napkins.

"You really don't need to..." You stop a moment in your sentence when you look up and see who is next to you. The guy. In which k-drama are you now?

You clear your throat and try to talk again. "You don't need to help me. I got this."

"I thought this also, but then you have smacked down the napkins." He sounds just amused, not annoyed or accusingly or something like that. And when he looks at you, he grins at you, before grabbing the last lost napkins. You stare at him longer than necessary because it is the first time you see him without a face mask. And because his smirk has something mesmerizing.

Then you finally remember that there is still a lot of water that needs to be cleaned up. You take some of the napkins in his hand and throws it into the puddle, wipe around until you have the most cleaned up.

You stand up and he follows you, but before you can do it, he swipes over the counter and ends the flooding. You feel how your cheeks unintentionally redden with his help, trying to remind yourself that he is obviously just a nice guy. Nevertheless is your heart pounding faster in your chest.

"Are you usually this clumsy?" He asks when he put the wet napkins in the trash can next to the counter. He takes the few ones you have in the hands and throws them away too. And you just stand there and stare at him until you get the question.

"Yes" You blurt out. It's unnecessary to lie with this fact, cause it is obvious. Someone just needs to watch you more than 5 minutes and will realize it. "It feels like I'm cursed."

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