Caring about him

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„He's still here, right?" You look at Changbin, who has opened the door to the studio in the entertainment to you. His face is worried, and he has a bag over his shoulder, the one that belongs your boyfriend you notice a moment later.

"He thinks he should carry on working even though he has such a cold." Changbin shrugs his shoulders and goes to the side to let you into the room. "I thought you could get him to finally rest."

"I'll try." You take the bag from him, knowing he also wants to go home since it's already pretty late. "Don't worry, Binnie. I will take care of him."

"Thank you." He pats your shoulder and leaves.

You turn around to Chan, eyeing him. He's sitting at his desk, headphones on, working something on his laptop. He's wearing a warm jacket, even though it's already well heated in the room.

He shrugs lightly as you go to him and put your hand on his shoulder. His face is pale and tired when he turns fully to you, shoving the headphones off his head.

"Baby, what are you doing here?" You become even more worried with his raspy and hoarse voice, quieter than normally.

"The better question is what are you still doing here?" You raise an eyebrow questioningly at him. "You belong into the bed and need to rest. I'm here to pick you up."

"Let me finish this and then I'll come with you?" He asks with pleading eyes and usually you would give in. But his health is more important than anything and you won't let him overwork himself.

"Nope. Save your stuff and make a note of what you wanted to do. We'll go home now."


You lean closer to him. "Channie, it took Changbin to tell me that you had a cold, because you were already here today before I even got up. You didn't want to tell me because you know I'll force you home. So don't make me angry and hurry up now."

He blinks surprised by your words but then his expression gets apologetic, and he does what you said.

"Sorry, baby." He mumbles after a few minutes and stands up.

You shake your head and takes his hand to pull him towards the door. "Show me you're sorry by resting. And taking the medicine I bought earlier. And drinking the tea I'll make."

He smiles amused and nods. "Noted, boss. I'll do everything you want me to do now."


"Stop staring at me." You say and continue to chop the vegetables you've bought earlier.

"Hm?" He sounds innocent, but you know Minho better. He sits at the table, wrapped in a cozy blanket, and watches you attentively.

"Your mom explained the recipe to me step by step and sent me a message with it. Not even I can ruin it." You finish the chopping and turn around to him. He raises his eyebrows with a questionable look and you roll your eyes. "Don't look at me like that."

"I'm just worried that this soup could make my stomach even worse." He says, his voice still a little hoarse from the last days of hanging over the toilet, but his smile is cheekily.

Since he feels better this morning, you wanted him to try the soup he usually cooks for you when you feel sick. And he agreed to try to eat something. At least until you were starting to prepare the soup.

"Haha, funny." You stretch your tongue out at him. "I'll try the soup before you do, if it tastes the same as when you make it, then it's good, right?"

"Or we both spend time in the bathroom later." He grins teasingly at you, and you huff playfully offended.

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