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You rock from one foot to the other, trying to work against the cold wind. It's deep winter in Seoul and today you have forgotten your scarf. Just because you thought you would be late to your date with your boyfriend – and now you are waiting for him in front of the building of his dorm.

You know, you could go and wait in the dorm, but you thought he would be ready earlier. And you had no mood to take everything off and put it on again. But you have texted him to bring you a scarf so the little walk you two had planned wouldn't bring you a cold.

You hear the sound of the door and when you turn around, Chan rushes to you.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He says, smiling lovely at you and hold up the scarf. Before you can answer, he kisses you on the lips. "Oh, you are freezing cold. Let me help you."

You let him do and he wraps you carefully in the long scarf. You feel the instant protection against the wind. He pulls you closer and gives you a kiss again, his breath warm on your lips and his arms like a cocoon around you.

"Are you fine, baby? Or should we stay inside?" He eyes your face as if you could freeze to ice anytime. You smile at him. "Don't worry, it's much better now."

You take his hand in yours and drag him into one direction until you both go in a slowly pace next to each other. It just takes a few seconds, until he intertwines your fingers and shove your hands into his coat pocket.


"So, what do you think?"

You exchange a glance with Minho before you both look back to the other guys. It's freaking cold and the sharp wind doing its best to make you freezing even more, so you shove your hands deeper in your warm pockets.

But the happy faces of Felix and Jisung let you hold in your little curses and you smile at their expectantly expressions. "It's pretty nice here." You reply and look around. The beach is nearly empty – no wonder with these temperatures – and it's also early in the morning. Felix and Jisung have you and the other guys drag to this place cause they thought it just looked peaceful and calmly. A great place and time for a long, relaxing walk, they have said. And yes, it is beautiful, but the weather let you think about the warm place you have left for this.

"I wish, we would have stayed in bed." Minho mumbles besides you as if he had read your thoughts. You look at him, he is shaking, although he is wrapped in a big scarf. The boys start walking and you both follow them slowly. "I will freeze to death."
You eyes him again with his statement, a little worried that he could catch a cold.

"You are not really good prepared." You say and smile at him when he turns to you.

"Oh, and you are?" You nod and take your hand out of your pocket, holding the little heat pack up.

"Oh yes. But I will share with you, I have two." You shove it in his pocket, but before you can remove your hand again, he grabs it und intertwines your fingers. "Much better, thank you, jagi."


You wait on the hallway in front of the gym. You have finished your training before your boyfriend and thought it would be a good idea to shower and make yourself ready. And now you are waiting, it's freezing cold and you know now where you have forgotten your coat a few hours ago – in Changbins car. And he has the keys.

You shove your hands in the pockets of your hoodie, but that's not really warmer.

"Ah, here you are!" You turn around to the voice of your boyfriend. Feeling relieved that he finally is ready to leave, you sigh.

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