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You look down to grab your coffee from the table in front of you, then your eyes go back to Chan while you take a sip. Your boyfriend is doing something on his laptop, something important for a song, that you know, will sounds amazing. And because he loves this work, you can't even be mad that he brings his work with him to you. It's weekend, the most boring since a while, cause the weather outside is terrible and you both don't want to leave the house. And so you are sitting on your couch, a half readed book on your lap. Chan sits at your dining table, with the back to you.

And you are staring at him since a few minutes. The story of the book is currently boring and so you have looked up and your eyes keeps longing on his back. Concentrating on the wide shoulders and the light curls under his beanie.

"I feel you staring, baby." You flinch a little with his sudden words and the fact that he has caught you without even looking.

"I don't know what you mean." You lie although your cheeks are burning a little and to cover it, you sip at your coffee. "I have something better to do than to stare at you."

"Hm, right." He closes his laptop and turn around to you, a big smile on his face. "What do you think about going for a walk?"

You look out of the window behind you. The rain has stopped but it's still grey and wet outside. You turn your head back at him, pouting a little cause it's just too cozy inside to go out. "What do you think about it?"

"I'm ready with the work for today, so whatever you like to do." He shrugs his shoulders, stand up and stretch his arms. You stare again as his shirt slides upwards. He smiles wider and comes to you.

"How about we stay on the couch?" He sits next to you and pulls you closer with his arm around your waist. "Sounds perfect."


You turn around and put your hands on your hips. You raise an eyebrow and meet Minhos gaze.

"What?" He asks almost innocently. Just the smirk, that he tries to hide, reveals him.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" You lean against the kitchen counter and cross your arms in front of your chest. He is sitting on the dinner table across you. When have started cooking, he was playing in his phone and hasn't shown any sign of interest to help you cooking.

But since you have started to chop some meat, you have felt his gaze in your neck. You were expecting him to talk to you or to help you, but he hasn't done anything. Just staring.

"Like what?" The smirk wins and he leans back in his chair, crossing his arms also.

"I don't know." You shrug your shoulder. "Like I could make a mistake while cooking?"

"That was actually not even close to my thought."

You feel a shiver run down with his words. "Do I wanna know what you were thinking?" You try to keep your composure.

"You have asked." You roll your eyes with his satisfied facial expression.

"Yeah, but I thought, you would stop staring at me. Not that you would start to flirt."

"You call this flirting?" He chuckles amused. "I've not even started."

"And you won't start, when you want to eat some dinner today." You look at him warningly.

"And you stop staring at me, understand?" You add and want to turn around to continue snipping, but he replies, still amused.

"Why? Does it make you nervous?" He tilts his head when you look back at him. "Am I making you nervous?"

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