plans - Felix (4)

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You don't know what you expect to see after entering the dorm of the boys, but it is definitely not them sitting in the living room, staring down at you with knowingly looks as you stand there skeptical.

You notice that Chan, Changbin and Felix are missing in this group. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Hello to you too." Hyunjin replies amused and pat the free space on the couch between him and Jisung. "Sit down, we have a question."

"You've called me to come here for a question?" You drop into the empty seat. "What is wrong with texting me this special question?"

"You wouldn't reply to it, we know you good enough now." Minho answers and raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure if I want to hear this question now." You meet the amused grins of Seungmin and Minho and shake your head. "Is it that bad?"

"Not for us. We are just curious." Hyunjin answers and puts his hand on your shoulder. "So, please be honest."

You sigh deeply and try to shake off his hand, but without success. "Okay, ask your question."

"You have a crush on Felix, right?"

You blink at Minho, open your mouth to reply with something you don't know yet. He grins mischievous as you close your mouth and frowns.

"That didn't sound like a question." You finally get out, holding into his wording instead of answering it.

"It was a question."

"Just because you attach a dodgy "right" to a statement doesn't make it a proper question."

"I'm sure it counts as a question."

"I'm sure it-"

"Guys." Jeongin sighs and point at you. "Not the topic we wanted to talk about."

"Right." Minho nods and his sharp eyes meets you now relentlessly. "Nice try but answer it."

"What makes you think that?"

"Oh please." Jisung pats your other shoulder and sounds pretty pitiful. "It was obvious."

"Yeah, he's right." Hyunjin adds when you stay quiet. "At first, we thought it was because of your friendship in Australia and his behavior towards you. We thought you've looked at him with these wistful, longing eyes because he has hurt your feelings. But now you still look at him even though you've clarified things."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't look at him like this." You decide to act clueless instead of admitting it.

"Mhm." Seungmin hums ironically. "Sure."

"Come on." Hyunjin begins to poke into your side, and you squirm away, but there is not much space between the two boys.

"Don't be shy, we already know it. Just admit it. Answer us." He starts to tickle you properly and continues, even though you can't really answer between your laughter. You slide down until you literally lay on the couch, your back on Hyunjins lap, Jisung holding your legs so you can't slide off the couch.

"Go on, answer." Hyunjin laughs between his own words. "We won't leave you alone until you admit it."

"Okay, okay!" You scream and finally Hyunjin stops. You take some deep breaths and stare up at him, your tummy hurting from the last minutes. "I admit it, I have a crush! Why is it so important for you?"

"Part of-" Hyunjin answers the same moment as the entrance door opens, his words ending quietly while you can hear them getting rid of their shoes and entering the living room. "our plan."

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