scratches - Changbin (4)

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"I thought we should keep you away from the kitchen?" Chan grins at you teasingly as you enter the room and puts the plastic bag with the missing ingredients you got on your way home on the counter.

"It was once, Chan." You remember him and give him a playfully warningly look.

"Yeah, stop teasing her. It wasn't even that bad." Changbin, your very own protector it seems, stops chopping some vegetables to turn to you. He wraps his arm around you, his hand strokes gently over your back in doing so, and greets you with a short, almost shy kiss on your cheek, that makes your heart flutter. It's still new how this marriage has turned. Well, new, but great. Changbin is a lovely, attentively, cuddly and wonderful man. Even though he is a little shy himself when it comes to this type of affection in front of the other boys.

It's cute and you feel the same, a little shy about it, especially as you catch the meaningful looks between Chan and Jisung, right before Minho groans annoyed.

"Less of this" He makes a gesture to you and Changbin before pointing to the vegetables your husband left behind. "More of that."

Changbins cheeks redden lightly, just like yours, and he smiles warmly at you, before pulling you a little closer with his arm around you, giving you another gentle kiss, but this time directly on the lips. Your face flushes, even though he just wanted to tease you and the others. At least that's what his satisfied grin says as he eyes you after, accompanied by the chuckles of the others.

Then he turns around again and continues to chop the vegetables. You need a few seconds to gather yourself before you start to unpack the plastic bag. You meet Jisungs amused gaze, but he refrains from commenting.

It's like a routine that you meet the guys once a week. Mostly on the days you work longer, because they visit the gym in this time and prepare the food for dinner. They usually bring something with them on their way home, but some days you all cook together. Or they cook and are finish until you come home. The vet's surgery is just a short walk away, so it's usually good timing to come home for dinner. This time you're a little early, but the last patient was not in that bad condition you first thought, just a bit grumpier.

"How was your day?" Changbin asks while you place the last ingredients on the counter.

"Great. No emergencies today, all appointments went well. The last patient was in a good condition, better than I thought after his last visit. It's a really old cat, but she's tough and stubborn." You eye your husband.

Changbin wears this tight black shirt that suits him better than it's good for you, and some loose-fitting sweatpants, his hair is naturally curled, the way you like it so much. He looks way too good for coming home from the gym. "How was your day?"

"Do you really want to know that, or do you just want to continue staring at your husband?" You shrug together, a bit embarrassed that he has caught you, but Minho soothes his question with an amused, cheekily smile and a little wink.

Changbin stops his motions and looks at you, and you definitely catch his surprised face and the red tips of his ears, before he smirks at you. And looks good doing it. Way too good.

You hit Minho lightly against his arm before you turn around and open a cupboard to grab some plates. You begin to set the dining table, with the help form Jisung some minutes later.

"You two are getting on pretty well now, aren't you?" Jisung asks, putting down some glasses next to each plate. He meets your questioning look over the table. Why did he ask? Did Changbin say something about it? "You both look really happy together, that's why I ask. Just like a real couple, not the distant, forced one you two were at first."

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