sticky notes - Minho (Part 2)

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"Ahh, there are you!" You look up from the carton you had just carried up from Changbins car to Minhos appartement. Your appartement too, you need to remind yourself. You live here now too.

Seungmin and Jeongin, the only one in Changbins friend group who are nearly your age, enters the appartement behind you.

"How are you?" Jeongin looks around, eyeing the stuff you have already piled up in the living room.

You shrug your shoulders. "Fine. As far as someone in this situation can be fine."

"Yeah, I understand." He smiles reassuring at you before he points to the boxes again. "Do you need help to carry them up to your room?"

"I won't say no since you asked so nicely." You grin back and he grabs the first carton.

He doesn't need any direction instruction, but you aren't surprised. The guys know each other for ages, so they've definitely been here a lot. They won't need the sticky note with your name on the door of the guest room to find it.

"Yah, if you can stand around here, you can also lend a hand." Changbin rushes past Seungmin, putting down the last box of your stuff.

Seungmin, clearly not interested in helping a lot, pulls up his shoulders. "I just made sure that none of the cats ran into the hallway."

You change a look with Changbin. "Minho locked them in his bedroom before he left this morning."

You point to the bedroom door and the blue sticky note in it. You can let them out as soon as your stuff is here, but he wanted to be sure, they wouldn't run out.

"That's probably why I haven't seen any of them yet." Seungmin mumbles but stays where he stands as Jeongin comes back and grabs the next carton. He ignores Changbins prompting look as your brother follows Jeongin with the next box.

"How are you feeling?" Seungmin eyes you carefully. You have talked with him the most in the last years, him and Jeongin, maybe just because you're almost the same age. He has asked you this question since a few weeks now, obviously concerned about how you're handling the whole marriage thing.

"Nervous." You answer honestly. You've already tried to lie at him the first time, but he saw right through you. You think it's cute that he actually seems to care about you.

"It still feels strange and unreal. Not like my life anymore, even though it hasn't changed much except for my home and...well, my relationship status."

"I guess these feelings will stay a while." He shoves his hands into his pockets. "Minho is a good guy; we both know this. You will get along, I'm sure of that. Take things easy and try to understand that he doesn't know how to deal with it either. Especially because of Changbin, who watches over you like a maniac."

You chuckle amused and nod. "I'll try, thank you."

Changbin and Jeongin comes back before he can reply something, and they urge you back to work.

It takes not much time until your whole stuff is in your room. You haven't lived on your own before, so you haven't much furniture too, just way too many books and a bunch of clothing.

You really want to unpack after thanking the guys and shooing them out nicely.

You let the cats out as soon as they've left. Doongie greets you loudly after opening the door, following you to the living room. You purposely only opened the door and didn't look into his bedroom so as not to disturb his privacy.

It doesn't take long for the other two cats to follow. You finally meet Dori, who sniffs you shyly and then goes to the other end of the couch.

And then you sit there, quit longer than intended, tensely on the couch, surrounded by Doongie and Soonie, who seem to be really looking forward to seeing you.

You don't see Minho for the next days. Either he's at work late or he's already in his bedroom or office when you get home. You thought you would see him more often. You're still studying and even though you have a lot to at the end of the semester with all the lectures and endless assignments, you're home a lot.

You've unpacked your stuff, most of it in your room and the shared bathroom. It feels wrong to move something into the living room because you don't want to disrupt its existing order too much. So you don't feel very comfortable in a different room than your own and spend the most time there, accompanied by the cats.

Minho seems to live his life and routine like before and so should you. You like the cats, even Dori allows you to pet her now. Another thing that accompanies you throughout the days are the sticky notes. Minho leaves them more often, first with the request to feed the cats, then who gets which food and how much. Followed by some telling you that he's going shopping the next days and that you should write him a note if you want something special. Plus, a message every now and then if he arrives home particularly late due to an appointment or meeting. To be precise, you found more sticky notes than expected, meanwhile even about if he has fed the cats or not. You think it is surprisingly a cute way to interact, but you really ask yourself why you two had exchange phone numbers when he does this.

What doesn't surprise you is your brother. It was only a matter of time before he visits you again. You shrug together as the still unfamiliar bell rings, Dori running off offended by your moving.

"Heeey" Changbin grins after you opened the door for him, holding up a couple of pizza boxes. "I've taken some allergy remedies and I hope you haven't eaten anything."

You let him in and shake your head while you take the boxes from him. "No, but I'm sure you've got way too much pizza."

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you if it's fine if some of the boys comes too?" His gaze is carefully but you just shrug your shoulders. "Yeah, sure. I'm pretty alone here anyway."

"Great, thanks! They are already on their way."

He follows you to the kitchen and watches how you put down the boxes and grab some plates.

"Is Minho not at home with you?" Changbin looks around curious as if your husband would jump out any second.

"He's working late. Since I moved in, I haven't seen him much, to be honest." You explain and try not to sound offended or upset. You aren't even offended or upset. You just wish he would act more like he wanted to know you better since you two are married. You have to live together, but you don't have to be a real couple. There is just this little wish to be at least friends. His suggestion was roommates, but if that means you don't even see each other at all, you don't like it.

Changbin shrugs his shoulders and avoids your gaze with his next words. "So it's just this roommate-thing between you?"

"Yes" You answer hesitantly and frown, asking yourself if you had told him about Minhos words or not. You can't remember and before you can ask him, the bell rings again.

You open the door and let Seungmin, Felix and Hyunjin in, who greets you friendly. They look around while entering the appartement, curious what could have changed since your move-in. It's nothing and you shoo them to the living room to sit down with them at the dining table. Changbin follows with the pizza and the plates.

"Let me guess" Seungmin eyes you questioningly. "You still sit most of the time in your room and you don't have the courage to sit in the living room in case Minho comes home and you actually have to talk?"

"Wrong." You answer and open the first pizza box to grab a piece. The boys follow your actions and listens to your reply silently.

"I would sit on the couch and wait for him to talk with him like the first evenings. But he usually comes in the middle of the night and goes pretty early. It feels like I'm living alone here. His only communication is currently limited to sticky notes."

"Maybe he needs just time to get used to the situation. I'm sure that it will get better."

While looking at Seungmin, you clearly see the meaningful gaze between Felix and Hyunjin. And the annoyed look that Changbin sends Seungmin.

"Woah, hold on." You say suspicious and all of them look at you again, trying to make their faces neutral. "What is going on?"

"What do you mean?" Changbin tries to sound clueless, but you see through it. Something is going on behind your back.

"One of you tell me now, what you're keeping from me."

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