dispute - Seungmin (1)

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„Oh no." You shake your head to underline your words. "This will not happen."

"Believe me, I don't want that either." Seungmin crosses his arms in front of his chest, meeting your gaze annoyed. You copy his pose and bite your lip to suppress a sharp comment, wanting to keep this awkward situation as relaxed as possible. Or as less tensed, cause you yourself feel everything but relaxed.

"So, what do we do?" You eye the big bed again that takes up the most space in the bedroom.

"One of us takes the bed, the other the couch in the living room?" He suggests and reminds you, that there is no guest room in the new apartment, but a couch. Well, you would like to sleep in the bed, knowing how uncomfortable the couch was as you sat down a few hours ago when you entered the apartment for the first time.

But it is not your apartment, it's his and you just moved in. It doesn't feel right to claim his bed in his bedroom. So you grab one of each pillow and blanket, turning to him again and meet his questioning look.

"I'll take the couch." You explain and feel suddenly annoyed as his expression turns grumpy.

"I can sleep there too."

"Why? It's fine for me." Seungmin raises his arms, gesturing to take the bedding off your arms again, as you walk past him.

"Yeah, how does it look like when I let you sleep there?" He shakes his head, stepping in your way. You move away from him and press the bedding to your chest.

"For whom? It's just the two of us." You raise an eyebrow questioningly. "Don't be ridiculous, Seungmin. You are the one who dances as his job. I will not be the reason you can't do your job properly."

"But I'm your husband." You don't really understand this reply.

"What kind of silly role allocation is that?" You roll your eyes. "You really don't need to play the concerned husband. We both know you don't do it for me, just for the picture of the married couple that we play."

"So you want me to give you the chance to complain about sleeping on the couch? No way."

You groan annoyed. "I won't complain, I've decided it all by myself to sleep on the couch. So let us stop discussing about it, please. You really annoy me."

"Okay, fine. Take the couch."

You give him a fake smile and finally leave the bedroom as he steps out of your way.


It's a pretty awkward situation some days later. Not as awkward as the wedding ceremony with Seungmin not long ago, but definitely somewhere in the Top 5. But it's really hard to top the moment you have to say 'Yes' to a wedding you didn't want, to a guy you didn't really wanted to marry..

So, sitting at the dining table with Seungmin and his bandmembers and eating the mass of food they brought with them is not this awkward. Just a bit uncomfortable and unexpectedly quiet. And you are happy it's almost over, not knowing what you can talk about with them anymore.

"So, you really have known each other before?" Hyunjin asks with a curious look at you from his place next to Seungmin who sits opposite from you.

"Yes." You answer and meet Seungmins warning look for a moment. You grin internally, knowing that it would be still embarrassing for him to tell the story. But how could you resist this chance? He wasn't very cautious himself with his statements today, not even speaking from your first meeting. "Since a few years. I've met him on a big party where our parents forced us to dance together. He was so focused on the steps that he didn't even talk to me. And later spilled his drink all over me. And rushed out without saying sorry or anything else."

"Not very nice of you, Seungmin." Hyunjin says amused, nudging him with his shoulder.

"Well, we were teenagers." Seungmin mumbles and rolls his eyes. "It wasn't that bad."

"Yeah, standing in the middle of the whole party, my outfit ruined, and then you left me standing there. A great experience as a teenager." You reply, still seeing the pitiful looks of the guests who thought of some rejection or something like this. It was embarrassing and as stupid as it sounds, you still feel confused and mostly upset when you think about it. Why did you tell it again?

"I can't remember that you've said much to me until then. Not while we were dancing or in between."

You return his annoyed look, leaning back in your seat and shaking your head in disbelief. "You didn't even look at me as our parents introduced us. Sorry, that I'm not that talkative to someone who clearly doesn't like me."

Seungmin opens his mouth, probably to reply something mean or silly, but Chan suddenly stands up and grabs some plates. "Should we clear the table to make room for the dessert?"

Felix and Jeongin jumps up from their chairs and grabs some of the bowls to basically flee into the kitchen. You hold Seungmins burning gaze a while longer and really don't want to give in and let him win this now silent fight. But then you feel bad for letting your guests clean up, so you quit and stand up to bring something out. Seungmin follows after some seconds, surely with a satisfied grin.

It just takes some minutes until you all sit again on the table, dessert plates now in front of you.

Felix has baked some brownies, and you eye them curious. They smell very nice, but you are immediately suspicious.

"What kind of brownies are they?" You soften your maybe unfriendly question with a warm smile at the boy.

"I've tried them with peanut butter this time."

His face expression gets concerned as soon as yours gets sorry.

"Oh, don't be picky." Seungmin says before you can explain yourself. "Felix baked them especially for us. You will be able to eat a piece of it."

"I'm not picky, Seungmin." You grumble back at him, sending him an angry look. Then you look back at Felix, feeling sorry for him again, and try an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to peanuts."

"Oh." Felix blushes a bit. "I didn't know, sorry!"

"You don't have to be." You shrug your shoulders, shoving your brownie over to Jisung next to you. "You couldn't have known."

He still looks a bit embarrassed, but you try to reassure him with a sweet smile. "Really, don't worry, Felix. It's fine."

"Didn't you ask Seungmin?" Minho grins with raised eyebrow at your husband. "You didn't know?"

"How?" Seungmin mumbles and his ears begins to redden. "We don't talk much. And I've forgotten to ask."

"You should ask beforehand. It can be dangerous in case of an allergic reaction."

Seungmins face literally burns while he stares down at his brownie. And you suddenly feel bad. You could have told him yourself after he has informed you about this dinner.

"It's fine." You say and feel your cheeks redden as the guys looks at you surprised. "I mean, now you know it, right?"

Seungmin blinks at you before he slowly nods, clearly caught off guard that you didn't say something to mock him about it.

"Great, since we've clarified this, let us talk about something different." Chan looks requesting around if someone has a theme to talk about. And it needs some seconds but then they start a conversation about a new anime film, leaded by Jisung. You focus on it, just to ignore Seungmin, who is still looking on you.

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