plans - Felix (1)

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„It shouldn't be that hard." You turn your head to meet Seungmins gaze and his furrowed eyebrows. "I mean, you two know each other from your childhood, right?"

You really don't know how you end up in this situation – wordlessly left standing by your soon-to-be husband, beside you some of his friends. You thought he would maybe at least be a little happy to see you after these years. You know, the situation is pretty awkward to meet each other again, just a few days after the big plan of the marriage has been revealed to you two.

But that doesn't excuse the fact that he treats you as if you weren't even here.

"We were friends for a few years in Australia, after my family moved there." You answer and try to ignore the stinging feeling in your chest. "He moved to Seoul, and we lost track of each other."

Seungmin hums understanding and frowns. "He's usually not this rude."

You shrug your shoulders. Felix hasn't even looked at you, nor greeted you before leaving the dorm. "He is like this since our parents has talked about this marriage."

You remember the moment clearly. He has entered the restaurant room behind his parents and his curious look has instantly turned into a wide smile as soon as he has recognized you. You were mesmerized by him for a moment. He has grown up, his hair longer and in a different color, his whole appearance has changed. But then he has smiled and there he was, your childhood friend.

But then your parents have told you about the marriage that they have planned for you two. And the smile was gone.

You wanted to give him a few days to process the whole thing. You needed the time too.

And now you stand here, in the living room of his dorm, trying to talk with him. But he has left the dorm with Jeongin as soon as you have entered it, without even looking at you.

"I don't want to offend you, but the marriage thing is not easy to accept." Minho stands up from his place on the couch and make his way to the kitchen. "How about some tea if you want to wait until he comes back?"

"Oh, you don't have to..." You stop mid-sentence as Minho ignores your words and continues to go into the kitchen anyway. "Okay, got it."

"Don't take it too serious." Jisung points to the couch and you follow him to sit down as well. "He just keeps himself busy before he can ask awkward questions."

You smile amused about his words. "I didn't think he would be so shy about asking them."

"Just wait until he's back with the tea." Seungmin mumbles.

"I wanted to talk with Felix about this thing. Is he like this the last days?" You overlook his comment. You are worried how Felix deals with it. If you've known about it earlier, you would've talked with him about it before your parents could. But now it's this awkward situation and you guess he would like to forget he has met you again.

"He doesn't want to talk about it, not even with one of us." Jisung changes a meaningful look with Seungmin. "He has told Chan about this plan, but that's it."

Minho comes back with mugs full of hot tea and sits down next to Jisung. "Maybe he needs to sort it out himself before he wants to talk about it. No matter with whom. Sometimes that's how he ticks."

"Yeah, I thought the same and gave him some days. But I didn't want to wait too long." You sigh deeply. "I guess it's just me who wants to sort this thing out with him."

"Just wait a bit." Seungmin smiles reassuring at you. "It's Felix, he needs to talk with someone about it."

You chuckle amused. Yes, the Felix you know from years ago, talked to you about everything that was on his mind. Just like you talked to him about everything. Well, almost everything.

"So, you really didn't know about this marriage?" Minho sits up straighter and eyes you curiously.

You shake your head to underline your reply. "I knew nothing about it. My parents told me later it was an idea of my grandparents, who convinced Felix' parents."

"But why?" Jisung leans back. "I mean, this is such an antiquated, pointless idea. What advantages would such an arranged marriage have?"

"I don't really know. They have spoken something about benefits for both families and our companies or such things, but I really didn't understand it."

"Yeah, they could support their companies without marrying off their children." Jisung shakes his head in a disapproving gesture.

You have to admit that he's right about that. "Well, my parents weren't very happy themselves with this. They said there could be the chance to avoid this marriage if we wouldn't get along well, but due to our friendship in our childhood, my grandparents are convinced that it would work."

They make some understanding noises, but then they exchange some meaningful looks again. You frown and feel the need to ask. "Okay, what's going on here?"

Jisung grabs a mug to avoid answering, but Minho grins widely. "Maybe this is the way out of this."

"You mean, if we don't get along well?"

"Yes." He shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe this was Felix' intention anyway."

"Oh, I haven't seen him the last years, but if he hasn't changed much, I doubt it. There's a lot he can do well, but he can't act that he doesn't like someone. At least not for long."

"We could test it." Seungmin leans forward, grabbing his mug, smiling almost diabolical.

A little scared to ask, you eye his expression, and then the other two's. Minho seems to enjoy this unspoken idea as well as Seungmin, but Jisung frowns like you.

"I'm really scared to ask. But what are you thinking about?"

"Well, we don't know each other like we should when you're going to marry one of our members. Maybe you should spend some time with us as well as with Felix. You know, doing some activities together as a group and some stuff like this. And we can observe how Felix will behave around you. It's a way to find out if he acts or not."

You think about it for a moment. You feel really bad to do something behind his back. Well, it's a good point to spend time with Felix and his members, that's right. You should know each other, you should get to know the boys, because they are like family for Felix. But if feels wrong to do this, even though it doesn't mean you have to lie to him.

"You don't have to behave any differently when you're here. After all, the most important point is to get to know each other. So just be yourself." Minho smiles reassuring, but still looks a bit sneaky doing it. "We're just watching Felix in the meantime."

"Okay...I guess." You agree hesitantly. "But one question, why are you doing this?"

"Could be funny." Minho answers, but Jisung interferes instantly.

"And his happiness is important for us. It's awkward to see him not like the sunshine he usually is."

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