sticky notes - Minho (Part 1)

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You look around as soon as you enter the appartement. It feels awkward to be here.

You know Minho quit long, since he got friends with your older brother in high school. You haven't spent much time with him or Changbin's other friends, but they were always nice to you when you've met them home or in school.

It's not like the little sister and her brother's best friend falls in love with each other and they live happy together after some trouble. No, you've never felt that way around Minho. Well, you like him, but you have never even thought about him in that way. You haven't even spoken properly with him, at least not more than small talk.

And now you stand in his hallway, in his appartement, where you have never been before, because there was no reason to be here before. But now, you have a reason, and you still can't believe how the last weeks happens this fast.

You are married. With Lee Minho. And he seems as unsatisfied and upset about it as you. And as Changbin, just to mention him. Your brother has tried everything to stop this marriage and the result was the biggest fight with your parents one of you ever had.

You still don't understand why it has to be such an outdated action like an arranged marriage to merge the companies of your families. But your parents had this agreement with his parents for almost your whole lifetime, without any other to know.

So, they have surprised all of you with this news. And now you stand in his hallway, looking around and trying to suppress the feeling of not being welcome here. It's not that Minho was mean to you or something like this since everything happens. He just hasn't really talked to you more than 'yes', 'I will' and 'come in'. And yes, the last one was a few minutes ago.

You're unsure why. And to be honest, you don't want to think about it and speculate. You need to sort your own thoughts about this before you could guess about his, and you think he does the same.

"Are you stuck?" You shrug and hurry to get out of your shoes and follow him to the next room. A large living room, with a huge sofa and a dining corner with a long dining table.

One wall is taken up by some kind of climbing area and scratching posts and you wonder a second about it before a cat roam around your legs and mews at you.

Minho leans against the siderest of the couch and eyes you carefully. "I know Changbin is allergic to cats, so what about you?"

"I'm fine with them." You kneel down and let the orange cat sniff on you before it lays on his back in front of you, waiting patiently to get pet by you. "I didn't know you have a cat."

"Three." He mumbles and watches you while you start cuddling with the cat. You look surprised up at him, but then concentrates back to the cat. It feels awkward and you really don't know how to act with him. "This one is Doongie. And this Soonie."

You look up again, to another orange cat that comes closer to you, curious who you are.

"What is the name of the third?" You ask and pet Soonie too, comforted that they seem to be friendly towards you.

"Dori." He answers and then sighs so deeply that you look up at him again. His expression is serious now and the comforted feeling slides away.

"Okay, we should talk about some things, that's why I asked you to come here." He runs a hand through his hair and suddenly looks tired before he regains control of his face again. "I should have talked with you about this earlier, but I think we were both pretty overwhelmed with it."

You nod understanding and consider if you should stand up to face him. But the purring of the cats and their chins rubbing at your hands to continue let you stay in your position.

"We both know this is just something businesslike, right?" This time he doesn't wait for your reaction, he just continues to talk. "I mean, we know each other since years and to be honest, you're just the younger sibling of one of my best friends. I don't want to force you to act like a married couple, and to be really honest, I don't want to act like this either. But if you want, we can try it as roommates?"

You feel surprised by his idea, but it sounds good. You know that at first he can seem cold and unfeeling, but he's simply observing people in order to be able to evaluate them. It's one of the first things you have known about him. And one of the few that you know at all.

"So, I have a guest room you can take, we don't need to sleep in the same bedroom. I hope it's fine for you to move into my flat, it's way easier than looking for a new one. I know, you have already packed you stuff and Changbin wanted to help you next weekend. I'm not home myself, otherwise I would help too. Is it fine this way for you? Or do you want to-"

"It's totally fine, thank you." You interrupt him and try a reassuring smile, but he looks down to his cats instead of returning it.

"Good. I just wanted to talk about this. Feel free to set things up however you like. And usually, my neighbor looks after the cats every few hours, just that you know about it."

You nod again, not knowing what you could reply.

"Sooo" He says slowly, scratching his neck. "Have you any questions? Do you want to talk about something?"

You think for a moment, but can't come up with something in this moment, since he has already clarified the living situation.

"No, not at the moment." You stand up, thinking its now the point where you go home again. Doongie mew loudly at you as soon as you stop petting him. "But can we exchange phone numbers? You know if something happens or so. And it would look weird, if I wouldn't have the number of husband, you know."

It feels awkward and even more as Minho visibly tensions with your last words. Then he puts his phone out of his pocket and type on it before you feel your own phone buzzer in your pocket.

"Changbin gave me your number a while ago, just as a precaution." You really want to ask what kind of precaution, but he suddenly straightens up and his face got neutrally.

"Shall I drive you home if we have nothing more to talk about?"

You know, you have no right to, but you feel slightly offended how he asks this. His voice is distant now and he avoids your gaze, so you shake your head.

"No, thanks. It's not this far away and I want to go for a walk to clear my head." You turn to the hallway, much to the displeasure of Doongie. He mews again and as much as you want to cuddle more with them, you make your way to the hallway, knowing Minho is following you slowly.

"Your keys are on the sideboard." He says as you enter the hallway, pointing to the sideboard.

A blue sticky note with your name written on it is on top of it, next to said keys.

"Right, thank you." You grab them and put your shoes on, opening the entrance door. You look back at Minho, who has now Doongie on his arms, trying to hold back Soonie who clearly wants to follow you. It would make you laugh if you wouldn't still feel strange.

"Well, see you next week, I think." You say and he nods, eyeing you with a weird look before you close the door behind you.

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