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It's the bell that wakes you up from a slumber. You need a moment to orientate yourself. Your head aches like its pressed in a too tight band. You are lying in your living room, tucked in a blanket and a bunch of pillows. It's nearly dark around you. The fairy lights at your windows are on, but it feels like they are burning into your eyes when you look at them. You sit up, wondering what time it is.

The repeated ear-splitting ringing makes you flinch. Groaning, you stroke your head as you slowly make your way to the front door.

The light in the floor let you flinch again, squeeze your eyes shut. "What?" You mumble and try to open your eyes again.

"I'm sorry" You hear the voice of your boyfriend. You feel hands carefully grab your shoulders and shove you back into the room, so he can close the door again.

"Is your migraine this bad?" He quietly asks, his worry obvious. You just make an approving sound. When you open your eyes this time, is much more comfortable due to the darkened room. Chan inspects you from head to toe, just to get back to your face, his eyebrows knitted together. "What are you doing here, Chan?"

"You haven't answered the whole day. I was worried." He shrugs his shoulders, and you just smile at him, feeling your heart pound faster about your lovely, caring boyfriend.

"I can go if you want to rest. I don't want to bother you more."

"You could never bother me." He smiles wide at you.

"So, what can I do to make you feel better?"

"How about a big hug and cuddles on the couch?" You ask and he opens his arms as a response. He wraps them softly around your body and you get as close as possible to him, feeling his fingers slowly massaging your neck and back.


"How does breakfast sounds to you?" You stretch your arms into the air, trying to get rid of the Tiredness. The grumpy noises besides you doesn't sound very happy or really awake.

You sit up and toss the blanket from you.

"Jagi, no" Minho quietly complain and reaches out hand to get you back lie next to him. But you are already up, smiling at his half face that shows over his blanket. "Come back."

"But I need breakfast." You response and chuckle as he buried his face in the pillow.

"Need you." You hear him but ignores his pleads.

"Come to the kitchen when you are really awake." You order and goes barefoot to the mentioned room. You open the fridge and get out the ingredients for a quick breakfast. You keep working, softly humming one of Minhos own songs, while you try to hear the often inaudible footsteps of your boyfriend.

You have just put the eggs in the frying pan when you feel fingers slowly brush your back. They wander around your waist, meeting together over your belly and just a second later you feel the rest of his body pressed against your back.

"Good morning" His voice is still raspy from sleep and you shiver a little. "It smells really great."

You can feel a little kiss on the sensitive spot in your neck, then he rests his chin on your shoulder to see what you are doing. He presses his lips to your cheek and you stroke his forearm around your waist. "I hope it tastes also good."

"I'm sure it will. You have learned it from me, right?"


It's late when you step into the studio. Chan, who has opened the door for you, shrugs his shoulders and points to your boyfriend. "He's sitting there like hours and don't want to go."

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