Crush on Hyunjin - Part 2

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You try to concentrate on closing the shop while you also try to stop thinking about Hyunjin. But his words before he has left the shop are still in your mind. He really wants to call it a date?
It is not like you haven't thought about jumping out of the friendzone yourself - but you are a real coward and you haven't liked to thought of ruining everything due to your feelings. You like him a lot, not as long as you know him, but it is quit a long time. And his almost regularly visits in the shop hasn't helped to stop your imagination. But you have thought, you would just live with it or overcome it one day in the future - really wide in the future. And now he has jumped and you can't really define whether you feel more nervous or excited.
You see your finger trembling a little, when you close the door behind you and lock the shop. It's a little cold outside and you hurry to take on your beanie and the scarf, while you turn around to look after Hyunjin.

You don't need to search for long, he waits a few steps away, leaning with his shoulder against a house wall.
"Are you ready?" He asks and smiles at you when you stop in front of him. He leans a little down to you and holds your gaze. "You know, for our date?"
Your heart skips a beat. "You really want to be sure I understand this part, hm?" You answer before your mind can follow exactly what you are saying.
He chuckles a little before he wraps an arm around your shoulders and lead you the sidewalk along.

"So I assume you are fine with this? I thought I have caught you a little off guard earlier."
"A little" You response honestly, your nervousness fighting with the usual comfy feeling he gives you. "But let us see what happens next."
"Oh, I have a plan" He leads you to cross a street and you look up at him.
You appreciate his side profile for a moment until you remember how to speak again. "What plan? Should I be worried?"
"It's a surprise, you need to wait for it."
You sigh quietly. "But I hate surprises."
"Yes, I know, but you will love this one, trust me."

Instead of asking again, knowing he won't tell even a little hint, you ask him about the last trip and the concerts. You love his excitement when he talks about his job and the music he loves.

You look around when he stops in front of a building, fully mesmerized by his stories and his happy voice. Surprised, you raise your eyebrows and look up to him, meeting his amused face. "You know that I live in this house, right?"

"Don't be so suspicious." He nudges you a little. "Like I said, I have plan."

"Now I'm really curious." You follow him into the building to the elevators, crossing your arms in front of your chest after he presses the button. "But please don't tell me you have plan to eat some pizza in our living room. I would not call it a date when my brother is this near to us."

He laughs and lays his arm around you again. "Don't be afraid, I have thought about something a little more romantic."

He smiles at you and you grin back, a little relieved. It would not be that bad, if he had plan something like this in the apartment of you and your brother. You live with your brother since he has a room empty and has no problem with it. But you really don't need him literally next to you on a date, especially when he could just make fun of the whole scenario.

"Don't worry." He shoves you into the elevator. "Your brother helped me the last hour, but he will stay in the apartment."

"Oh, and where are we going to?" You watch when he presses the button for the top floor.

"You are way too nosy, baby." You freeze a moment with the new nick name and he chuckles lowly about your reaction. He pulls you close to his chest and presses a kiss on your crest.

"Relax. It's just me, okay?"

You nod and wrap your arm around his waist. It is not the first time you do this, you two were always cuddly with each other. But now it feels different, although you do the same as before. But he feels a little closer to you. And it feels like you can finally lean against him, because he could be yours.

The elevator stops and you follow him out to the hallway and the stairway next to the elevator.

"Where are you leading me, Hyunjin?" You ask and follow him a small staircase up.

He stops after the last staircase at a door and turn around to you. "Please close your eyes."

"Really?" He rolls his eyes dramatically and wraps his arm around your neck to lay his hand over your eyes. It is not important to him that you still can see through your fingers, but you obey him and close your eyes.

He opens the door and you automatically moves closer to him, when a cold wind meets you two. He leads you outside to the roof and you stumble next to him cause you still hold your eyes closed, but he holds you tight.

"Okay" He stops and so do you. His hand wanders from you face to your shoulder. "Open your eyes."

You blink, surprised about the view. You don't know how, but he has built a cozy looking corner on the roof. In the niche stays a couch, surrounded from huge cushions and blankets and fairy lights. A little picnic basket stands on a tiny table next to the couch.

You turn to Hyunjin, meeting his expectant gaze. "What do you think?"

"This looks perfect." You sigh, looking at the cozy corner again. "You are crazy, Hyunjin. Very crazy."

"I wanted to make something special for you, when we finally get out of this damn friendzone. You know, something different as the usual pizza in your living room."

You laugh a little, feeling his arm wander to your waist to pull you even closer. With you in his arm, you both moves closer and sit down on the couch.

"Where did you get these? And how did you get them up here?"

"Your brother helped me. But we both won't ever tell you more about it. It was embarrassing and frustrating how difficult it was."

You look at him, amused from the picture in your head, how they tried to get the couch up here in the elevator. "How did you even come up with the idea? I'm pretty sure it is not even allowed."
"Well, we need to keep it a secret." He grins at you and leans closer, his fingers slowly approaching your cheeks. "And we have watched this romantic film a while ago, do you remember? There was a roof like this, and you have said how romantically you think it is. I have thought about this since then."

You sigh, your heart melting with the effort he has made. "You have planned this a long time, right?"

"Well, I like you since a long time."

You look at him, eyeing his face and meeting his lovingly gaze. "We were both a bit blind, hm?"

"Just a little bit." He leans closer to you again, his hand fully cupping your face.

"When have you realized that I like you too?" You ask, curious again, because you have hoped he would like you too, but never be brave enough to make the first move.

"I have just hoped it." He explains and he looks a little embarrassed about it, his cheeks redden lightly. "I couldn't wait any longer to not have you in my arms like I should."

A shiver runs down your body due to his word and the cold air. He recognizes it and pulls you closer, grabbing a blanket and lays it over you two.

And while he still plucks the blanket around you, you can't hold back anymore. You lean to him, lay your hand in his neck and pull him closer to you. Before you even think about it, you press your lips at his. It is just a short kiss and you carefully look at him when you lean back, nervous about his reaction.

He stares back at you, obviously surprised by you. You are ready to apologize, but then he smirks and grabs you by the waist. He pulls you closer until you are sitting on his lap, plucking up the blanket around you. Then he cups your face and pulls you close enough that you can feel his breath on your lips.

"We should stay as close as possible to not freeze." His fingers stroke slowly over your cheeks. You nod lightly, amazed by him, your heart pounding fast in your chest. "And you should do this again. Like the whole evening."

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