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„Baby, are you ready? I would like to see you with the dress." You hear Chan behind the curtain of the changing room. You eye yourself in the mirror, quite unsure about the black dress. You are usually not really wearing this kind of clothing. You like baggy jeans, hoodies, wide shirts. You can say, anything Chan has in his own closet is all you would wear yourself. But now you want to have a dress for the wedding of your cousin.

"Baby?" Chan asks again, his voice a little worried. "Everything fine?"

You shrug your shoulders to yourself in the mirror, then you turn around and open the curtain.

Chan stands right behind it and eyes you surprised. You wait for his opinion, nervous about showing you like this. He hasn't seen you often in dresses. Although he loves your style – especially when you wear his shirts – it has something when you now wear something like this.

"What do you think?" You ask to tear him out of his stare after a while. He blinks a few times and then an adorable smile forms on his lips.

"You are beautiful." He leans closer to you, cupping your cheek, and presses a small kiss on your lips.

"Really? I'm not sure about it." You smooth the fabric of the skirt.

"I think you look stunning. But we can keep looking for another dress or something else, until you find clothes you feel good in."


You hear Minho sighs next to you. You flinch a little and look up from the book in your hands. He has already three books in his hands, ready to carry them for you to the checkout. He raises an eyebrow when your eyes meet.

"Sorry" You mumble a little embarrassed and put the book back on its place. He chuckles and shakes his head and then grab the book again to give it to you.

"Take your time, jagi." He says and smiles at your surprised face.

"You aren't annoyed?" You study his face for a moment, but he just smiles. "We are here almost an hour."

"You are happy when you can look for new books, right?" You nod slowly. "Then I'm totally fine."

Your heart melts a little with his words. You stretch up a little to kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you."

His smiles widen. "Also, I have just seen the chairs there." He points across the room. "Is it okay when I wait for you there? It's a little comfier and I can look at you from there either."
"Sure." You smile back at him, happy that he gives you as much time as you want.

"You want that too?" He points to the book again. "I think so. It sounds good." He takes it out of your hand and takes it with the others to the group of chairs. His eyes keep following you while you keep looking at the books.


"Binnie?" You look around the corner, searching for your boyfriend in the store. You should have known that you could lost him when you go to a sports shop with him. You just wanted a new pair of running shoes, but while you were trying on some pairs, he has sneaked out of your sight.

You sigh relieved when you see him inspect some weights. "Here you are." He flinches, totally concentrated to find out if he needs some of this or not.

"Babe, look." He points to a pair of dumbbells. "What do you think? Could they be better as the one I already have?"

You eye the weights, trying to understand the differences just by looking at them, but just your shoulders then. "I don't know, Binnie, sorry."

He hums thoughtfully. "I'm unsure if I should buy them."
"Have you thought of buying some new in the last time?" You try to help with his decision.

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