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You roll around in the bed, your hand roaming over the space next to you. The empty space, no Chan next to you like you thought. You sit up, now fully awakened from your doze. The bedroom is dark and you grab your phone from the nightstand to check the time. Nearly midnight.

You stand up and cross the room to look after your boyfriend, worried because you both were going to bed together not long ago.

You find him quick in the living room – surprise! – in front of his laptop, headphones on, with his back to you. You slowly approach him and he shrugs slightly when you lay your hand on his shoulder. But he relaxes instantly when you hug him from behind.

"Why are you awake?" He asks quietly, after he takes off his headphones.

You rest your head on his shoulder. "Why are you?"

"I couldn't sleep and then I had this great idea for a song." He leans a little more into your hug and gently stroke over your forearm. "But I'm almost finished. You can go back to bed, I'll be right behind you."

You chuckle lightly and press a kiss on his cheek. "Like last time? Forget it. What do you think about a hot chocolate before we go to bed? We will drink it until you are ready and go back together."

"But it's midnight." He turns around to you and you let go of him. "You look tired. You don't need to stay awake because of me."

"Well, I can't sleep well without you, so I'll stay awake for the sake of my sleep." He smiles at you and you lean down to press another kiss on his cheek, but he turns his head and so your lips meet his. He deepens the kiss and cups your face to hold you close, but soon you break the kiss.

"Now let me make the hot chocolate and finish your work. We can continue this later."


You sigh and read the sentence again, trying to finally understand their meaning. You are sitting here in the living room since the early afternoon and now it's already dark outside. You were waiting for your boyfriend, knowing he has a day full of schedules and would be home late, but you haven't thought he would be this late. You wanted to end your study session when he would be home, and now you are really tired, but you don't want to quit until you finally understand the last few texts.

You shrug a little when the front door suddenly opens. Minho tries to be quiet, not knowing you are still awake and worried he could might wake you up.

You can't really hear his steps but when you look over your shoulder, he already stands in the room door to the living room, eyeing you with narrowed eyes. "Why are you still awake, jagi?"

You hold up the paper in your hands. "I'm still trying to understand this."

He slowly creeps closer to you until he stands next to you, now looking over the stacks of paper around you. "But it's already midnight. How about we go to bed together and you learn tomorrow? Well rested and newly motivated?"

"Just this part." You point to the section on the paper. "Go ahead, I will follow you."

He sighs, shakes his head slightly and lean down to you. Before you can even react, he wraps his arms around you and lift you up. You drop the paper in your hand surprised before you lay your hands around his neck to hold onto him.

"Minho, what are you doing?" You laugh a little, while he walks to the bedroom with you in his arms as if you weigh nothing. "Let me down, please."

"I have been looking forward all evening to the cuddles with you. When I go to bed, you do too."

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