Crush on Felix - Part 2

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You feel suddenly pretty nervous when the gaze of the boys land on you. They know how to get you to talk and staring you down is one of the things. You just hate it when someone stares at you, especially when they look mad or annoyed.

This time, they have some weird smiles on their faces, what even worries you more. You roll your eyes and cross your arms in front of your chest. "Stop looking at me like that."

You exchange a look with Felix, who raises an eyebrow like he would ask you something. It is nothing this big, but you have liked the secret little meetings with him and the dances you could try with him in piece. You know exactly that some of the boys would make a big thing out of this - Hyunjin, for example. He has asked you already a few times if you have feeling for Felix, after he has seen how you have watched him. You have never told him the truth, thinking it would be inappropriate because he is one of Hyunjins best friends and an idol. And you are just you, nothing special compared to them.

"So it is like this?" Seungmin asks again, tilting his head a little to the side.

You shrug your shoulders and decide to just tell it. Felix doesn't look like he feels this uncomfortable about, otherwise he would have said something already. "Yes. We have met a few times here or at the dance studio where I am sometimes."

You see the looks that the guys exchange, some amused and some knowingly. You look at Felix again, but he just eyes you, looking almost a little worried about telling them. He would have told them before, because he is happy to spend some time with you, but he thought you would like to keep it a secret since you haven't even told Hyunjin about it.

Since nobody say something more, you just turn around, feeling your face slowly burning with the little embarrassment that they do like it is a big deal.

"So, I assume, you need to train now?" You ask to get away with their questions and move to your stuff next to the couches.

"Yes, but you can really join us." Minho turns to you, a grin on his face. "When you dance with Hyunjin and also with Felix, why not with us? We would never judge you."

"Yeah, I know." You hesitate a little, but then you shake your head. "I'm really tired now, so maybe another time, sorry."

He points a finger at you. "Don't let us wait too long. You know, we are ready to drag you to the practice room and keep you here until you dance."

You blink at him, slightly confused. "Okay. Weird threat, but okay, Minho."

He smiles innocently at you. You grab your stuff, put on your jacket and wave the guys goodbye.

You are already half through the hallway to the elevators, when you hear steps behind you and Felix calling your name. He hurries the last few steps to you and smiles this adorable, wide smile when he reaches you.

"Sorry for the others." He begins and runs his hand through his hair. "I haven't told them because I thought you would like to keep it between us. But I think they have assumed it already."

"Oh, don't worry, it's fine." You smile at him. It was a little excited to keep it a secret, but you feel relieved that they know it now, especially Hyunjin. You know he will call you later to talk about. "And it's not like we did something forbidden or strange, right?"

"Yes, that's right." He suddenly seems to be a little nervous, shoving his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. "I don't know how you think about it, but would you like to continue the dance practices?"

Your heart beats faster and you unconditionally smile at him. "Yes, I would like that."

"So, how about tomorrow evening?" He rocks back and forth a little. "We could eat something together after, if you like?"

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