coming home

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You close the door of the apartment behind you and shake your shoes off. You left your jacket and bag next to them in the hallway and make your way to the living room. Your boyfriend is already waiting for you on the couch and turns around to you when he hears your footsteps.

He shoves his laptop off his lap and stands up when you don't greet him with the usual joy. He looks up and down at you with a frown. You tap closer to him without a word, just tired from this day. Nothing has gone right at work and you just feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

"This bad, hm?" Chan asks, understanding what is going on with you. Not sure if you will just tear up if you say a word, you simply nod.

"Come here." He opens his arms wide and you just fall into his chest. He wraps one arm around your waist and his other hand begins to draw firm little circles over your back.

You feel yourself relaxing instantly as if the day just slips into the back of your mind. Chans heart beating under your ear calms you down and the constantly moving hand on your back let you relax. You sigh relieved when he presses his lips on your forehead before he rests his head on yours.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You shake your head with his question. "Not really, sorry."

"You don't need to. Just say, when you want to."

"I will do, don't worry, Chan." He sighs and you feel his light nod above your head.

"How about cuddling in bed?" He asks quietly and you feel his lips giving you peck on your hair.

"Can we just stay like this for a moment? I really need this." You wrap your arms around him to underline your words.

"Of course" He whispers and hugs you a little tighter.


You stand in front of your fridge, trying to find the motivation to cook something for dinner. You have come home from work a few minutes ago and know you wouldn't move for the rest of the day if you would lay down on the couch now.

You feel tired. You are currently working on a big project which is incredibly important for your company. The pressure is clear and you don't want to make a mistake.

You sigh, open the fridge and take out a few ingredients for a fast and simple soup. A few minutes later, you have washed the vegetables and wanted to cut them, when you hear soft footsteps behind you.

"Hey sweetie" You put the knife down when Minho stops behind you and rests his hands on your shoulders. "Hey" You greet back and feel his kiss on your head. "I haven't noticed that you came home."

"I wanted to surprise you. But what's up?" He asks because of your matte voice. "Rough day?"

"Yes" You sigh again. "Let me make some dinner and then I want to lay on the couch for the rest of the evening."

"No, no" His hands begin to massage your shoulders with gentle power. You stiffen up briefly before relaxation spreads through you. "We can order something."

"But-" He interrupts you. "No buts. We order some food and have a cozy evening on the couch. You need to rest, sweetie. Believe me, it is no use to anyone if you don't rest."

You think a moment, but the idea sounds better with every second he keeps massaging your shoulders.

"Fine" You give in and your head falls back, your body relax.

"Good" He stops and pulls you around until you move, following his silent instruction to go into the living room. "Now come. We order something. And then you get a massage, until it arrives. Feels like you need it immediately."

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