sticky notes - Minho (Part 4)

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"Soo, it's been a few weeks now." You look at your phone with the knowingly voice of Seungmin coming out of it. You sit in front of the cat toilets, cleaning them. "How are things going with him now?"

"It's nice. He comes home at normal times, and we cook and eat together often. We spend a lot of time together." You try to sound normally, hoping he wouldn't get that you like the way it is now. That you like it way too much that he seems to like spending his time with you too. That you like it not so much that it seems to stay like a friends/roommate-thing and not more. That you really wish that it would be more. That's pretty ironic, isn't it?

"This means you two get along well, right?" Seungmin sounds suspicious.

"If you ask me, yes."

"Do I really need to ask you such detailed questions? Or are you going to tell more?" He sighs deeply. "Do you like him? Have you two dated properly or how do you spend time together?"

"Seungmin!" You whine and feel your cheeks redden. "Why do you ask me this?"

"Cause I wanna know?"

"Or do you just want to rub it in Changbin's face in case Minho and I are more than friends now?"

"What do you think of me?" He huffs but can't play along the innocent boy. "Of course. So are you?"

"Are we what?"

He sighs again. "More than friends?"

"I don't know. We haven't talked about a real relationship, we just wanted to get along well."

"But you sound as you would like it."

"To be honest, yes." You finally admit it and he laugh proudly.

"Great. So, we can work with it. Have you two some plans for this evening?"

You don't need to think about it for a moment. Minho has left some of his sticky notes on the fridge for you, reminding you of the plans, like he still does with everything instead of using his phone. He went early to work to get home quickly again to cook with you again. It's the thing between you two, where you don't actually cook, you just stay next to him and watch him way too obvious while he cooks.

"Yeah, he will be home soon, and we cook together."

"And are you getting ready for it?"

You look down at you. A wide dark shirt and some sweatpants, mismatched socks, your hair at least combed through. You didn't have any lectures today and you haven't been out yet. "What?"

"Please tell me you look not like a bum right now. Please tell me you're currently deciding what to wear."

"I'm cleaning the cat toilets at the moment." You reply meekly, suddenly feeling too underdressed. Even though Minho has seen you already in your comfy messy states since you live together.

"Wow, you're so romantic." He sighs again. "Okay, I understand that you don't need to make yourself pretty for him. He should like you even as-"

"Be nice." You interrupt him and stand up, done with the toilets. "I really don't need your complete honesty now."

"Fine. But I suggest you to wear something nice."

"Wait, what kind of hint is that?"

"No hint at all. Just surprise him with looking surprisingly pretty, hm? We will talk coming days, okay?" He hangs up before you can say anything more.

You mumble some curses about Seungmin before rushing to your room and open your wardrobe. Dori follows you curious, sitting down on your bed.

"What is the right to wear now?" You turn around to the cat as Dori would answer you. "Not too much, but pretty?"

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