Hasty - Han (4)

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You close the microwave and set it with the right time. You grab the biggest bowl you have out of your kitchen cabinet, so you can put the popcorn in it as soon as its ready.

"Why is it always us who help you when it's movie night?" Hyunjin leans against the kitchen counter next to you, eyeing you questioningly. "Especially when it was you who initiated the movie-Monday."

"Cause I'm your best friend?" You ask and he raises an eyebrow. "And you love me dearly?"

"Am I Ji-"

"The living room is ready!" Felix interrupts Hyunjins sarcastically comment and enters the kitchen. The popcorn plops loudly behind you.

"Thank you, Felix." You say and gives Hyunjin a warningly gaze. "Stop talking about this nonsense."

"Nonsense?" Hyunjin repeats and you roll your eyes because you have discussed this topic with him already too often the last week. It's been some weeks since the vacation at the beach. And you have gotten along surprisingly well with Jisung. To be honest, you like him. He's funny and sweet and you look forward to the movie-Mondays with the boys, because you can see him without some explicit comments and looks by your best friend.

Jisung and you also have agreed that neither of you told anything about your friendship to your families, so this is the reason you just meet when the others are there too. At least you hope that's the reason. You can't say if he likes you the way you like him and you won't ask him about that. He was very clear with his opinion about the marriage, so you are scared he could think the same about a relationship with you, even if the feelings came naturally and not forced.

"Ohh, are we talking about Jisung again?" Felix sits down at your small kitchen table and grins knowingly. While it took a while for you to admit your feeling to yourself, it didn't take them an hour to realize it on a previous Monday. And since then, they have annoyed you with it.

"No, we are not." You answer before Hyunjin can and point to the door when the doorbell rings just in time. The sound of the popcorn stops as well, and you turn around to grab the bag out of the microwave. Felix rushes to the door and greets the other guys.

You struggle a little to open the hot pack and pour out the popcorn, your fingertips slightly scorched.

"Oh" Hyunjin steps beside you and grab the now empty bag to throw it into the bin. "Did you burn your fingers? Should I get Jisung to kiss it better?"

"Hyunjin, I swear-"

"Yeah, I know. You're usually not violently, but I have the fascinating talent to tease exactly that out of you." He grabs some popcorn out of the bowl and follows you to the living room, where you greet the others.

"What kind of movie did you choose?" Changbin asks while you sit down between Felix and Jisung. It's the only place left on your couch, and you know, Felix had planned this on purpose with Hyunjin, who has quickly sat down on the other free space.

You grin at him. "Take a guess."

They groan in unison. Felix put his head on your shoulder while you grab the remote control. "Oh please, you know we hate horror movies."

"Not all of us, right, Ji?" You look to your other side and meet Jisungs amused gaze.

"Exactly. Also, it's your movie-Monday, so you are the one who decides." He answers and the following second unison groan let you both laugh.

You love to watch horror movies, even if you flinch at every single jump scare. And thanks to Felix, who is even more frightened and slides closer to you with every minute, you are squeezed to Jisungs side at the end of the movie. With his arm around your back, so you are a bit comfier with a Felix, burying his face in your shoulder.

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