misunderstanding - Chan (4)

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"Well, this was definitely not how I have planned this evening." Chan turns around to you, an embarrassed smile on his face, his ears bright red.

You chuckle amused and shrug your shoulders. "It's fine. Like an adventure, don't you think so?"

He leans against the side of the car and stare into the already darkened sky. You sit sideways on the passenger seat, the door open, your feet outside on the ground.

"I have planned the whole evening." He sighs deeply and unexpected dramatically. "I wanted to make up for the first months, when I was avoiding you."

"You don't have to make up for it." You lean forwards to catch his attention and he looks down at you.

"And it is a really funny story to tell later. The first date and we have a flat tire and get stranded on the country road on the way to what is probably the furthest restaurant."

He lightly laughs when you smile at him and you see how his tensed shoulders finally relax.

"Why have you chose this restaurant?" You ask curious. "I don't want to sound ungrateful, but it's pretty far away from Seoul."

"I thought it would be special." He shoves his hand in his pockets, taking a few steps away and turning then back to. "They have some kind of outdoor gallery next to the restaurant, I thought we could take a walk after eating."

You stare at him, surprised by his idea. He shrugs a little when you just look at him and not say anything. "Was it a bad idea?"

"No, no!" You hurry to say, feeling your heart pounding at the thought, that he has planned something you could like and not just chose a random restaurant, what would be fine too. "I was just surprised about this idea. It sounds wonderful, really."

He eyes your reassuring happy smile and comes closer again.

"Now I'm even more annoyed by this mishap." He states and you shake your head again.

"You don't have to, really. I mean, look around, it is nice for a rest area. And I'm sure I have a chocolate bar in my bag, just for emergencies. I would share with you, if you like."

He smiles amused and kneels down in front of you, so now you are looking down to him. He eyes you for a moment and you feel your cheeks redden with his soft look. "Why didn't I see right away how amazing you are?"

Your face is literally burning after his words. "Because I have said something not so nice before knowing you."

"Yeah, but it was a legitimate consideration. I have just heard one sentence and misunderstood even this." He sighs again and you see the regret on his face. "I wish we would have talked earlier. I'm sorry that I haven't even tried it earlier."

"Chan." Now you are the one sighing. "Stop thinking about the past. We can't change the things and to be honest, I wouldn't like to change the way it is now. If it means we would end here again together, I would do it the exact same way."

He stares at you, and you know you have caught him off guard, feeling slightly amused about the now swapped roles.

But then he moves, stand half up and leans closer to you. He has one hand on the seat and the other on the roof of the car. You feel his lips on yours for a miniscule moment, and before you can even react, he leans back again.

"I'm sorry." He says, eyeing you carefully with big eyes. You blink at him, your lips tingle after the light touch. "I should have asked you first. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, it is totally fine if you don't want to kiss me. But you are just absolutely adorable when you look at me like this and I couldn't think of anything other. I mean, I don't want you to think that I'm just interested in doing things like this, I really love to spend time with you, no matter what we do and I-"

You smile about his panic and his nervousness, your heart pounding in your chest and your own worries what could go wrong are instantly forgotten, replaced by excited butterflies in your stomach. He stops talking the moment you lay your hands on his cheeks. "How about you ask me now?"

A crooked flirty grin appears on his lips. "Can I ask you something else first?"

You raise your eyebrows, and he smiles about your confused face. "What is it?"

"I just want to suggest something to you before I maybe forget it now." He studies your face, moves his hand from the roof of the car and gently strokes through your hair. "Just let me explain it, before you say something, okay?"

He waits until you nod before he talks again. "I have thought about your study situation. I know you are not happy with the business studies, and I have looked at other options for studying. We both know you don't want to do your father's job. I have seen your artwork and you are way too talented to let it slide. Our marriage had advantages for your parents, but also for you. You are no longer dependent on them in any way. I would like to offer you to support you to fulfill your dreams and study, what you really want to study. Without pressure, without any obligations, without dependencies. I just want to help you to gain a foothold in the art world."

You eye him, his serious yet lovingly soft expression and the carefully smile. "You mean I could choose an art study program? Study whatever I want and work whatever I want?"

"Yes." His fingertips gently stroke your hair. "I want the whole world to look at your art. And I want to hang your canvases throughout the apartment, instead of gathering dust in your studio."

"Really?" You melt with his words, can't believe that a forced marriage has given you someone so special.

"Absolutely. What do you think about it?"

"Yes, yes, yes." You laugh and feel pure happiness like never before. "Thank you for this opportunity. I can't describe how grateful I am."

"You don't have to be. I'll just help you get on your feet, you'll manage the rest by yourself." He smiles widely, loops his arm around your waist and pulls you closer. "Now the second question. May I kiss you?"

You two laugh again and you wrap your arms around his neck, drawing him into a small kiss.

"I take that as a yes." He mumbles against your lips and when you nod, he kisses you again, longer and way more passionate this time.

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