Crush on Felix - Part 1

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You watch Hyunjin and how he moves, the correct motion of the dance moves. He tries to teach you one of their dances, eyeing you intimately through the mirror.

He is your best friend since childhood and not even his trainee years or his now busy schedule could separate you for long. You have started to dance because of him and the time you can spend with him – and with the others from time to time. You move your arms with his, trying to internalize the choreography.

"And now you." He stops, watching you in the mirror.

"Yes, you have it!" He smiles proudly at you. You can't stop the smile yourself with his praise.

"You are a good teacher." You reply and he laughs.

You two keep repeat the steps until you feel safe enough with them and he shows you the next. You continue until the door of the practice room opens and some of the other loudly enter the room.

You laugh when they greet you with the same volume, stopping the dance lesson.

"We haven't known you two would be here." Changbin explains and eyes you and Hyunjin. "Are you training?"

"Yes, I need to learn your new dances too, you know?" You reply.

"And how is she doing?"

"Not bad." Outraged, you nudge Hyunjin, what makes the others laugh again.

"Be honest, I'm good." You cross your arms in front of your chest and eye him expectantly.

"That's not fair" Changbin says. "You are best friends. Of course he will say that you are good when you ask him like this."

"Yes, you should show us the dance. We are unbiased." Seungmin agrees and you shake your head. It is one thing to dance with Hyunjin, but another to dance in front of them.

"Oh, now you are shy?" Seungmin asks and grin at you.

"Who is shy?" Minho enters the room, followed by the Felix. The usual feeling of butterflies in your stomach comes up when you meet his gaze and see the bright smile on his face. They gather literally around you and Hyunjin while Changbin explains the last minutes.

"I would like to see it too." Minho agrees with the guys and you roll your eyes. "You keep dancing alone or with Hyunjin."

You shrug your shoulders and look to Felix for a moment, meeting his smile with your own, thinking about the last few weeks when you have met, and he has shown you some choreographies. Seungin catches the moment. "Wait, wait." He says, pointing his finger between you and Felix. "What was this look?"

"What do you mean?"

"Feels like you two have a secret." Your heart pound faster, not really knowing why. Maybe because he caught you, maybe because his words sounds like you two would do some forbidden things secretly.

Minho gasps dramatically. "You have danced with him too?" He turns to Felix. "You traitor! You haven't told us!"

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