sticky notes - Minho (Part 3)

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You feel pretty nervous, staring at the door of the lift. You know Changbin wanted to talk to Minho today, hopefully clarifying the situation. And not frightening him again, like he apparently did. After they became friends years ago – the cliché speech about 'hands off my sibling, guys' – and also after the announcement about this wedding. Nonsense, you think. He has warned Minho to not expect your marriage to be like a real marriage. To be precise, he just wanted to warn him not to force you to do something you don't want to, even though you're married. But it seems your brother was a bit too harsh with his words and Minho want to be sure to not frighten you now.

And now Changbin wants to talk with him again, hopefully he understands now that he has no right to have a say in this relationship. You know, he wants to protect you, but you know too that Minho would never force you to something. That's something you've learned pretty early about all of Changbins friends – they are loyal, respectful and protective, even towards the little sibling of one of them.

You really hope that Minho has gotten home earlier, and they've already talked but are taking by surprise when the lift door opens, and you step into the hallway just to see the entrance door of the appartement slightly open.

You hear Minhos voice as you enter the appartement. There is not the usual greeting from a loud Doongie and a purring Soonie, but you think they love Minho more than you, so they stay around him.

And as soon as you peek into the living room before entering it, Doongie mews at you, standing up from his place next to Minho on the couch. You kneel down to greet him like usually and the cat rolls on his back to get some belly rubs from you.

"Well, this seems to be the moment for me to leave." Changbin says and stands up. He shrugs as you send him a questioningly look. "I'm sorry for being too protective. I crossed a line, it's not my business how things are going between you two."

You exchange a shy glance with Minho and shrug your shoulders. "You only meant it good."

"A little too good, I guess." He laughs lightly and rubs the back of his head a little embarrassed. "So, I'll leave you two alone five, I mean."

He looks down at Doongie, who suddenly wants his attention and lays down in front of him.

You look to Minho who is petting Dori on his feet. This reminds you that one attention-seeking cat is still missing.

"Where is Soonie? He didn't come as I entered the appartement." You ask curious and Minho starts to look around.

"I don't know if it was Soonie, but one of them went into the direction of the corridor. Maybe in the bathroom or your bedroom?" Changbin replies and you suddenly have a real bad feeling.

"And to the hallway. The door was open as I came in." Minho gets up, his face worried and he starts to look into the hiding places of the cat trees and beds in the room. You turn around, take a look into the kitchen and then rush to your bedroom. It just takes a few minutes for you to look around in the appartement before you come together in the corridor again.

"Could he have run out?" You ask worried, looking up at Minho who runs his hands through his hair.

"Yes" He answers instantly and sighs deeply. "I should've paid more attention."

"Maybe it was my fault. We came together, I can't remember if I had closed the door properly." Changbins face looks guilty, and you pat the shoulder of both guys. "Stop it, both of you. Minho, you should look around again, maybe he's under your bed or has a new hiding spot. Changbin and I will search in the hallway and ask the neighbor on this floor."

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