Crush on Minho - Part 1

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You stare at Minho a little too long while he practices the dance steps. You know it the moment, Hyunjin turns around to you and smiles knowingly. He raises an eyebrow, looks to his hyung for a moment and sit down next to you. "It's him?" He asks quietly, nice enough to not let Jisung or Seungmin hear his words.

You shrug your shoulders, internally screaming, but try to lie at him in panic. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh, you totally know." He nudges you with his shoulder. "Don't act this innocent. It's not the first time I have caught you staring at him."

"You have nothing better to do than to keep a tracker on who I stare to and for how long?"

He chuckles. "Since you have told us a few weeks ago that you have a crush on someone, no. We all wanted to know who it is. Although I have assumed it before. And-"

"I have told you what?" You interrupt him, not knowing when you have said such thing. You like Minho since a long time. And very much.

"You were slightly drunk that time. But not enough to told us everything. You have just giggled when we have asked you." He looks to Minho again, smiling almost proudly to himself. "I will win the bet."

"What bet?" You cross your arms in front of your chest. Hyunjin flinches, a guilty look on his face. "Don't be mad! Let me explain the plan and you will understand why it should help you!"

"This should be good. You don't want to experience me when I'm really mad at you."

"God, you two are really made for each other." He sighs dramatically, but grins when he sees how your face redden with his words. Then he leans closer to you like he want to tell a secret. "Like I said, I have already guessed your feelings quite a while ago. And when you told us about it, I thought it would be time to help you."

You eye him suspicious. "I'm not sure how a bet could help. Normally it makes all plans worse."

"Trust me, not with Minho. You get him through jealousy."

"You think" You begin to understand, more and more suspicious about his mind. "If you all talked about other guys I could like, he will get jealous and he miraculously realizes that he likes me?"

Hyunjin nods, excited and smiling. You shrug your head. "Sounds like a very doubtful plan."

"What plan?" You both shrug, not noticed how Minho has come to you.

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