dispute - Seungmin (3)

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"I'm surprised." Changbin states and eyes his phone again. "I thought he would call a fourth time, to be honest."

You sniff and roll your eyes. "I'm surprised he even called you after you've texted him."

You swallow, your throat still a bit swollen, your mouth dry. Felix is the one who jumps up from his chair and fill your glass again. Hyunjin on the other side slaps you lightly on the arm so that you stop scratching your already red neck.

"Really?" Felix shoves the glass, that's now filled to brim with water, closer to you. "I would've been surprised if he hadn't called immediately."

"The second and the third times were a bit too much. We would have called him if something about your health had changed again."

Hyunjin chuckles and changes a knowingly gaze with Changbin. "I mean, you've taken your medicine as soon as you've noticed."

"I think it's cute." Felix smiles at you and your cheeks redden even more, but this time not due to your allergic reaction. "He's worried about you."

"Of course, he is." Changbin sits down next to Felix on the kitchen table. "He wasn't very happy that we had lunch together today at our dorm without him. And now we've even given him a reason to be worried."

An awkward silence falls for some minutes before you shake your head. "None of us has asked about the ingredients or even looked for traces of peanuts. I have to pay attention to it myself, but because it's not so strong, I forgot it from time to time."

"Yeah, that's what you say. Seungmin will be mad at us." Hyunjin pouts a bit and sighs heavily. "He put this list of things you can't drink or eat or don't even like on the fridge, and then this happens."

"What list?" You instantly look to said fridge and the bunch of notes, photos and stuff that hangs there thanks to many colorful magnets.

"He put it there after the first dinner together. You remember when he didn't know about your peanut allergy?" Felix smiles amused as your cheeks flush even more.

"Wow, that's nice." You stumble about your words, not knowing how to react. It is sweet of him. And unexpected.

Hyunjin giggles a bit and the others two starts too. "You're so oblivious when it comes to Seungmin."

"What do you mean?" Your heart pounds unintentionally faster.

"We really need to explain it to you?"

Changbin raises his eyebrows. You just nod and look between the guys until Felix speaks again.

"Well, he has told some of us about you before. I will not spoiler too much, but he wasn't that unwilling about this all. Well, yes, a marriage was maybe a bit too much, but he likes you. You should see how he looks at you."

"Is it this obvious?" You mumble and all three nods.

"We have to watch his lovey-dovey-face every time when he talks about you or mention you or when you enter the room or when he-" Hyunjin stops as Felix elbows him in the side. "Fine. Yes, it was very obvious."

You look at the fridge again, your heart pounding fast, then you stand up to look at the list. Your name is on top of it, under it peanuts in red ink, followed by more stuff you can't remember you've told him about.

You didn't talk with him about what his uncle has said at the party. You just wanted to clarify your own feelings first. And you have to admit, you found it difficult.

"So, it was not that surprising that he had called as soon as he had read that you had an allergic reaction, right?" Changbin grins.

You nod thoughtful, still staring at the list.

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