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You are a ball of nerves, your foot taps restlessly on the floor while you wait for the door to open.

The bag full of food and snacks crackles as you shove it from one hand to the other.

Maybe you should have called him first? Well, you've planned this whole thing with Felix who has helped you with the timing of your flight to Korea and how you get from the airport to their dorm. You were unsure to plan it with him, to be honest. There is still a high chance that he couldn't keep it a secret.

The door finally opens, and Felix greets you with a wide smile. You hug him tightly, happy to see him too after long time.

"Did everything work out with the flight and the taxi?" He asks after letting you in. You place your suitcase in an empty corner of the hallway and take off your shoes and jacket.

"Yeah, I was surprised that one for me was already waiting. Was that you?" You tilt your head suspicious as he rubs his neck and avoids your gaze.

"Not really." He mumbles and you watch curious how he grabs his jacket and slips in his own shoes. "Don't be mad at me, but I lasted a while. Longer than I thought. He figured it out this morning." He pats your shoulder before he moves past you to the entrance door. Felix opens it and smiles over his shoulder to you. "Actually, we all wanted to stay here, but he talked us into it for so long that you two have now the whole evening for yourselves. Enjoy it."

And with that, he disappeared. You sigh, knowing this could happen. Well, now it's no longer a surprise but at least you're here. Just a few steps away from the big hug you've missed so much.

So you ignore the fail of your plan and turn around to get to the living room, peeking into the room before fully entering it. And there he stands, throwing a blanket on the couch last minute after preparing a whole set up for a movie date like usually did while your last visit. Blankets, Candles, fairy lights, lots of food on the coffee table, a streaming service on the TV.

You have no eyes for all of this, as wonderful and pretty all of this looks. You drop the bag of food on the floor as soon as he turns around and opens his arms.

You literally jump into his arms, wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You hang on him like a koala and he catch you, stumble just one step back to hold his balance while he buries his face in your neck.

"Hey, baby." He mumbles with a low voice, half amused, half suffocated by his own joy of reunion and the sudden appearance of tears, the same you feel this moment.

"I wanted to surprise you." You say instead of a real greeting and try to lean back in his arms to look at him properly, but his grip tightens around you and holds you this close.

"You shouldn't have worked with Felix." He replies and chuckles lightly when you make an offended noise.

"Yeah, now I know this too." You pout and he finally let you lean back in his arms, but just enough that your faces are a few inches away from each other.

You run your hand through his hair, through the natural curls you love so much. "I've missed you."

He eyes your face attentively, taking in every feature of your face as if he wanted to memorize it. "Me too." He says quietly and his expression softens when you caress his cheek with light fingertips.

"So, you want to watch a film?" You ask, your cheeks flushed with his lovely eyes, suddenly wanting to distract him from staring at you like this.

He grins knowingly. "Yes. After we stayed like this for quite a while."

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