Crush on Seungmin - Part 1

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You enter the small bookstore, the bell above the door rings slightly. The elderly owner of the store looks up behind the cash counter, smiling at you and greet you with the usual nice tone.

You look around like you weren't here even a week earlier. It is some of your favorite places. There is always this mix between new books and old classics. The nice smell of books and cozy hours of reading with a light note of herbal tea.

The shelfs are high to the ceiling and full of books. Actually, there isn't any kind of system behind the places of the books. It looks as if the books were simply shoved in wherever there was space. And that's exciting, because you never know what book you could find. You slowly wonder around, reading some book titles and a few times you stop to pull out a book and read the back.

You are at one of the last shelves, when you hear the bell again. Steps coming closer. Someone who starts at the back, you think, just because you always start at the front of the store. You keep looking, searching some new books for the weekend. You stretch up for a book, trying to reach the upper ones. Where is your k-drama-moment when you could need some, you think smiling about yourself. You reach the book, but it slips through your finger as soon as you pull it out its place.

It falls down, you try to duck away, but it hits your head slightly and then lands loudly on the floor behind you.

"Ouch" You mumble, touching the spot on your head and already feel that you will get a bump there.

"That sounded hurtful." You hear someone says behind you and you turn around. And then you stare at him, while he looks at you from the other end of the shelf. Puppy eyes, you think. It is not the nickname you gave him, but your best friend the one time she has come with you and saw him here.

You have saw him a few times the last weeks and he is one small reason to come a little more often.

"It was." You reply, your voice a little trembling because you are nervous that he finally talks to you.

He comes closer to you, his eyebrows frowned. The nickname fits – because you haven't seen him without the facemask, often combined with a cap. All you can see are these eyes, dark brown with a soft look. Like a puppy.

You freeze for a moment, when he stops next to you and bend down to pick up the book. He reads the title before he looks at you and clearly eyes the spot where the book hit you.

"You will get a bump, I think, but you will definitely survive." You can hear the smile in his voice and somehow it let you relax again.

"What a relief." You play along and smile amused at him. He holds out the book to you, but keeps a hold on it when you try to take it from him.

"But how about we treat it right and get some ice?"

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