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It was late on a Friday night, she was in the library studying just so she could get her heart rate back under control. Nothing was physically wrong with her, it was just that whenever she was near her blonde dorm mate her mind went to mush and her heart pounded out of her chest. So she left the dorm to go to the library. Something she'll always regret doing for the rest of her life.

Kara sat on her bed studying her journalism homework her room mate and best friend Lena was gone to the university's library stating something about having to look up some book or whatever. Kara didn't mind she knew Lena would be back in a few hours anyways. As she began highlighting her notes she'd need for the upcoming test there was a knock on the door. "Coming!" Kara called as she swung her legs off the bed and went to open the door. On the other side stood Mike and James, friends of Kara's from high school. "Hey Kar! We thought we'd come by to see if you wanted to have some drinks with us?" James asked using his best 'sweet and innocent' voice. "Yea sure! Come on in!" Kara replied with a smile.

"What are you working on?" Mike asked. "Studying for my test, sit down! I'll just put this up." Kara stated as she put her books and notebooks back into her bag before sitting back on the bed. While she put her stuff away James passed Mike a couple pills that he quickly shoved into the open bottle of beer and gently shook around so they dissolved completely. James nodded as they watched the blonde sit back down.

"Here Kar!" Mike stated as he passed her the beer. They all began drinking their beers slowly and making idle chit chat. This went on for a while with James and Mike kept putting pills into Kara's drinks so she'd eventually pass out. Four or five spiked beers in her system Kara began to feel woozy. "Wanna get more comfortable? Maybe have some fun?" James asked. "Like what?" Kara slurred. "A three way..." Mike suggested. Kara drunkly nodded as the boys began undressing her and themselves.

Soon the three of them were naked and Mike was holding Kara down so James could have his way with her first. Half way through the ordeal Kara began to realize what was happening and began trying to fight them off. However Mike pinned her head and hands down as James slapped her in the face. After finishing up James and Mike swapped places. Kara tried to kick at them but Mike punched her in the leg causing her to moan in pain. "You're such a good slut aren't you? You nasty fucking bitch!" James groaned as he shoved his cock inside the blondes mouth choking her with it as Mike slammed himself deep inside her.

Kara had tears streaming down her face as the rape continued for what seemed like hours. Finally after several hours Kara heard them talking saying something about how they had to leave her because Lena was coming back. They made sure that they got a few more whacks in before they finished. Slapping and choking the blonde till she passed out from the trauma. "Fucking slut! That's what you get for not letting us fuck you in high school!" Mike exclaimed as they headed out the door.

Kara lay there in a pool of blood, urine and other bodily fluids for another hour before Lena came back to the room. Lena put her key in the door and opened it to see the lights off. "Curious.." She said to herself as she flicked the main light on before turning around. "KARA! WHAT THE? WHO DID THIS?" Lena bellowed as she ran over to passed out blonde pulling her into her arms. "I'm gonna call the ambulance Kara! Hold on for me ok! Please...Please don't die! I love you too much to loose you!" Lena whispered as she pulled her phone out and began dialing 911.

A few long minutes later EMS workers busted through the dorm room door and began asking Lena all kinds of questions. "I don't know! I just came back from the library and found her! Is she gonna be ok?" Lena asked as tears soaked her face. "Yes ma'm although it appears she's been raped. Are you family?" An older woman asked. "I'm her fiancé!" Lena said the first thing that came to mind. "Ok! Come with us then! She'll need a familiar face when she wakes up." The woman said as they began wheeling a blanket covered Kara away.

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