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By the time Lena finished reapplying the bandages everyone had left. Kara remained in bed for a little while longer before feeling up to go to the living room where she found Lena on the sofa talking on the phone. Kara sat on the sofa beside her and pulled her legs up to her chest as she listened to the conversation. "No! She won't be in the courtroom when those men go on trial!" Lena snapped before ending the call. "Everything ok?" Kara asked softly. "Now it is. That was the lawyer, he tried telling me that you should be in the court room during the trial." Lena replied. "I...I don't want to be in there...I'll give my statement here and they can record it and play it in the courtroom....I can't look at them...I...I just..." However Kara couldn't finish talking as the tears began pouring down her face. Lena pulled her into her arms and rubbed her back slowly as the blonde cried. "It's gonna be ok darling. I'll set up a time with the lawyer to come in a couple days and they can record your testimonies here. That and the information found from the doctors will be enough to get them a long time in prison." Lena replied softly.

Lena lay back on the sofa pulling Kara with her as she continued rubbing her back and whispering soothing words in the blondes ear. "It's gonna be ok darling. I'll be right with you the entire time, I promise. We'll get through this together, one step at a time." Lena cooed. They lay there for hours even fell asleep for a while before Kara began to stir awake. "Lee..." Kara whispered. "Yes darling?" Lena whispered back. "I think we should have the lawyer come by tomorrow morning. That way he can record my testimony and even see my bruises. It all should be recorded for the trial." Kara added.

"Is that what you want?" Lena asked looking up at Kara. "Yes." Kara replied. "Alright I'll call him later and set it up. Now? Are you hungry?" Lena asked as they separated and sat up. "Not really...I just want to sit here..." Kara whispered. "Alright darling. Let's find a movie shall we?" Lena asked as Kara nodded and scooted closer to Lena and laid her head on her shoulder as they searched for a movie to watch.

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